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Dont Trust My Chrony Indoors!

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hw77k indoors ------------------------------------------ outdoors


highest 11.31 ftlb --------------------------------------- 10.63

lowest 10.48 ftlb ---------------------------------------- 10.35

spread- 31.8 fps / 0.85 ft lb ------------------------- 0.28 / 11.1 fps


hw97k indoors ------------------------------------------- outdoors


highest 10.41 ft lb -------------------------------------- 9.89

lowest 9.85 ft lb ------------------------------------------ 9.55

spread- 17.2 fps / 0.56 ftlb ---------------------------- 0.34 / 10.6 fps





indoors higher readings--and more inconsistent- possibly bad lighting, or warmer grease in rifles..?


need to wait until summer and test outdoors and make a 'jig'

Edited by Skot Ruthless Teale
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hi Skott

yes not bad at all,after a light fettle i am sure they will close in after a full tin through it :thumbs:

This is just after 80 or so to re lead the barrels with the hobbys lead.. the hw77 has only had about 800-900 through her anyway..

and these hobbys are straight from the tin.. not weighed or anything. so they wont be the most consistent readings I could get.


I plan on stripping and fettling, then regreaseing, then re assembly.. then put another 100 through each rifle to let the internals settle a bit then chronoing again outside to see if there is a power increase. hopefully not too much if there is one..


then might put a few washers in the 97 to get it to about 10.8-11 with whatever pellet I feel like using in it.(it has that spring you cut down for me fitted so that's why its low on power) . it seems to like jsb exact so far but in summer I will be trying loads of different brands more thouroughly.

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word of warning!

if you increase the power,it is unlikely to like the same pellet brand. it happened to me,i had great results with the H&NFTT then had it tuned,and found AA field were better and more consistent.


so what i am saying is if the power is going to be decreased or increased it wont like the same pellet,so you will be back to the quest of pellet testing :censored:

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Well if I get it to 11.3-11.5 with the hobbys then it should be under the 12ftlb limit with any pellet, correct?

so I will do that, and then test pellets. not bothered about power but I would like somewhere between 10.5-11.5 with its 'favorite' pellet



no! what i am saying is ,there is a chance it wont be its favourite pellet after the fettle,hence the pellet testing again!

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Glad i read this, got some of those little push button lights on my F1 to use indoors, it's all become clear now, does this mean we need a combro for winter use.

I always thought my combro was inaccurate. not 100% sure but it was just this feeling I had. thought it was reading high.

and now the f1 chrony is a pain in the arse indoors, trying to get it lit up properly. and outdoors it can be aswel! you have to find the right sort of location to get it set up straight and have a safe backstop.. the combro is easier in that respect as you just put it on the end of the barrel and shoot away at the target!

suppose the f1 is good for setting up at the target end to see what power you still have at 30 50 70 yards or whatever range you want to know, but of course you can calculate that with your muzzle velocity anyway.


but that's the joys of having to make sure your rifle is within the legal limit. oh the joys :whistling::rolleyes:

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Heres the results i got yesterday with my combro mk 4 ( upside down )


HW 97 K sfs tuned 22 with H+N ftt 14.6

shooting through the patio doors.











thats pretty good eh

then did my J.Bd R10 22 my baby

and the 97 was well on par with that


GARRICK :thumbs:

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Hope you opened the patio doors first :laugh: yes ,very good better than some pcps .

I put the combro over my 97 .22 last night to see what its doing before stripping and polishing it ,over 15 shots I had 5 fps spread with superdomes .

Not bad for a standard gun unturned !!

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