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A New Year Tale......

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You know the routine, add a paragraph or 7, try keeping it to the story and see if we can keep it going to the new year.   After last years successful Christmas trip, the THL posse were meeting up

Bit of nostalgia lads, Start at page 1, few names on here sadly missed. Enjoy lol Cheers, D.  

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Baw sat and sniggered to himself ... His plan to lead the gang straight into the hands of his hero the brick was comming to fruition ... He delighted at the thought of the brick allowing him to slip the hell hound kat at a plastic bag ... Whilst Gnasher and wilf enthralled the group by teaching them the correct way to eat the putrid sludge they called jellied eels nobody had noticed that socks had slipped into his familiar cammo gear and whilst disguised as a rock looked around and smiled at the growing amount of welsh men around the camp fire .... The welsh mafia was growing and baws plan to lick the bricks balls could be slipping away from him ............

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unbeknown to the rest of the crew the evilbrickie had somehow lost the first draft of his book "how to make friends and influence people in the lurcher game" and, coincidently, scothunter had found it at the bottom of the mountain and put it in his rucksack incase he ran out of rizla on the way up. baw had seen all this and it was causing him to lose his hair, turn green and generally be a c**t. the evil brickie sent off a pidgin with a note on to reach baw telling him to get the book at all costs as it was hot material and he couldnt afford it to fall into the hands of anyone else to take the praise of this top class publication.


bawllum retrieved the message and said to the pidgin "tell master dont worry i will get the precious" the pidgin flew of looking confused but baw was serious he was going to get the draft back at all costs "i thinks i will leads them through the fens first where they will have to deal with the feathered ear hare killers" :icon_eek: the unsuspecting crew followed bawllum onto the hallowed land "dont worry master" bawllum whispered up to the mountain where the evilbrickie was "ill get the precious"

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gem just followed the the motely crew in a trance since her shock, she was wracking her brains, why why why, why has this man

who sings his manliness at every available opportunity, who has appeared in magazines, done photo shoots, albeit in a skirt

paraded himself as a man amongst men got an acorn dick ?

then it came to her, this is why he wanted to cut down his granddads apple tree, because the mighty oak has such small fruits

and the humble apple tree has fruits so large, she glanced over to see lab stood with the diminutive johnny and the mighty socks

lab was asking socks how much he could bench ? johnny looked up at these two men like a child looks up to their father,

gem caught johnnys eye and he smiled she thought here is a man that must have something, he keeps a much younger woman happy,

he is very fertile and wouldn't take up to much space, her dreams were shattered when out of the corner of her eye she saw

mo-chara coming up the path in her Christmas knickers........................

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Lab could feel the urge to toss a trophy rising inside him ... But he couldn't he just didn't have the minerals to go through with it until he had at least one sip of the mythical scrumpy jack ......

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:laugh: just as tensions were starting to build in camp, some sexual some anger, they all heard the sound of an approaching sports car........ The smallest Porsche anyone had ever seen stop under Johnny, out stepped RFYL :laugh:
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