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Pre Locator Days

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Two from my familys digging dogs before I was born,dug badger on a regular basis,needless to say no locator.

Thankfully those days are gone. Several terriers to ground at once, earths destroyed forever with trenching, bars stuck through terriers and quarry, days wasted looking for dogs and then as your about

everybody digging to terriers should know how to locate them without a locater we done it for years as they hadnt invented them back then , i remember putting a russel to ground on a big sprawling ear

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i also dont miss the kick in the arse from some old timer if you were talking or making noise while they listened.

That's whats the matter with some of the younger lads didn't get a kick up the hole for doin something stupid in the field you didn't do it a second time that's for sure lol

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Started out before locators so it was bar ear to the ground and fingers crossed back in those days everyone had white Russell baying types and when someone did have even a lakie they were seen as a flash bugger lol went over home few years ago with some terrier boys went out to a farm near Newry with an old boy any way dog in give him sometimethen the boys get the locator out and walk up and down for 10minutes no joy you can see the panic on some of their faces then about 20 yards away the old boy shouts turn that f**king radio off the dogs over here the mates still talk about it and that was 25 years ago and I am glad to say most of them still keep terriers

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About 20 odd year ago i was at home 1 day doin f**k all so decided i would bring a couple of the terriers for a ramble.Where i live there are 10 houses in the estate,me in no 5.Many years before the houses were built there was what was known as a work house on the site with drainage running the full lenght of the estate at every f***ing angle.The day i took the 2 terriers for a walk [1 black dog and a small lakey bitch with 6 week old pups in her kennell] they both put nose to the ground and away.Each house has a 1 acre garden at the back and within 2 minutes both were a couple of gardens away and eventually droped into the opening to part of the shore or drain.I searched and listened at every possible opening i knew of but not a sound.I also had an old retired dog called SPOT,bullxrussell and i knew he would travel no prob but the outcome if the black dog and him met face on left me wary.I had no other choice so got the old grey box and collar and on with the collar and in with Spot where the 2 had entered.I eventually heard the familar sounf of the ticking and closed in on Spot at a mark of 5ft but he was silent only bumping so my original fears of both dogs meeting up were back.I dug down along with a neighbour that had come to help and we got down about 4ft then hit a huge slab stone that they had used to cover the roof of the drain.My neighbour said he had the tool for it and arrived back with the axle of an old cart.Within a few bangs on the slab we had it split and opened up to reveal Spot with a hold of a dead fox,relief straight away but where were the other 2.I reached down and pulled up the dog and then the fox and straight away seen the arse of the lakey bitch and knew she was also tugging out of something.After another half hour of banging and diging i was able to reach in and pull out the bitch then also seen Rip the black dog,grabed him by the tail and drew him up along with another dead fox with 1 more alive in behind that 1 which actually jumped out as we were checking the dogs over so made good its escape.Without the locater i dont think i would have got the 2 terriers as they had killed and killed again and would have more than likely gone on to the 3rd leaving 3 dead fox to try and get back out past which i dont think they would have done as it was only about 9in in the actual drain,how they got over the 1st is beyond me.The drains are still in the neighbours gardens and only about 2 year ago an old lakeyxwheaten i had got out 1 day and was missing for a couple of days eventually turning up at the back door with all the signs of battle on him.The reason i dont do them is that they could run in under the houses so leave them alone,also more than fox use them.

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Where were all those call out dogs we hear of when all this was going on. lol.

Apprentiship served and taken on board in this era but thank god for locators. Some of the worst stuff to locate without a finder is sand i think .Nearly lost my life after a cave in due to tunnelling too far on a tip near us that is long since capped over .Hearing the dog,the temptation was always to tunnel that bit further .I still shudder now think of the blackness and pressure .Only the strong arms of my uncle that saved me .Nowadays its a hole straight to it .

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Even with locaters I've seen dogs lost to ground, the old knocker box was good when it was working. Manys a time over the years they got wet even when taped up or interference with electricity pile ons etc. I remember putting a fox into a concrete pipe and dropping a mates red fell dog. There was an electricity pile on in the field, We couldn't get a mark on the dog with the interference so after hours off listening crawling about to no avail we sent for another dog even though it wasn't practical because all we had was the grey knockers so what was to say we'd not loose two dogs? The second dog was entered but without any significant difference made. Only the help of the farmer to the run off the pipe we probed about and broke in and could hear the second dog baying away a fair bit on up, so we got to them shortly after. The red fell was dead in water 1 dead fox in front of him and two live foxes in behind.

We lost a really good dog to ground in a big place one time. He never surfaced, it would have been a different story with the bellman seeing the grey box only went to 15ft and the dog was out of range, only they came about a few years too late. I like to locate a terrier before turning the box on anyway, just a habit. Done it yesterday but It was only a 0.9 dig so wouldn't be giving any pats on the back for that one. Lol. Good thread.

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Even with locaters I've seen dogs lost to ground, the old knocker box was good when it was working. Manys a time over the years they got wet even when taped up or interference with electricity pile ons etc. I remember putting a fox into a concrete pipe and dropping a mates red fell dog. There was an electricity pile on in the field, We couldn't get a mark on the dog with the interference so after hours off listening crawling about to no avail we sent for another dog even though it wasn't practical because all we had was the grey knockers so what was to say we'd not loose two dogs? The second dog was entered but without any significant difference made. Only the help of the farmer to the run off the pipe we probed about and broke in and could hear the second dog baying away a fair bit on up, so we got to them shortly after. The red fell was dead in water 1 dead fox in front of him and two live foxes in behind.

We lost a really good dog to ground in a big place one time. He never surfaced, it would have been a different story with the bellman seeing the grey box only went to 15ft and the dog was out of range, only they came about a few years too late. I like to locate a terrier before turning the box on anyway, just a habit. Done it yesterday but It was only a 0.9 dig so wouldn't be giving any pats on the back for that one. Lol. Good thread.

Remember entering a ferret in a huge place in the middle of a field after seeing about 20 rabbits run in to it.We had only got the grey box a couple of weeks earlier and did not really know much about it.There was also a local radio station about half a mile away and after no rabbit bolted we said not to worry we will dig to the ferret using the locater.My mate turned it on and 1st thing we heard was the birdy song,f***ing hilarious,waited about 2 hours for the ferret to eventually reappear.

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Where were all those call out dogs we hear of when all this was going on. lol.

Apprentiship served and taken on board in this era but thank god for locators. Some of the worst stuff to locate without a finder is sand i think .Nearly lost my life after a cave in due to tunnelling too far on a tip near us that is long since capped over .Hearing the dog,the temptation was always to tunnel that bit further .I still shudder now think of the blackness and pressure .Only the strong arms of my uncle that saved me .Nowadays its a hole straight to it .

sand SAND! we hae a lot of it by us nasty stuff!





and ime 5ft 9

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Even with locaters I've seen dogs lost to ground, the old knocker box was good when it was working. Manys a time over the years they got wet even when taped up or interference with electricity pile ons etc. I remember putting a fox into a concrete pipe and dropping a mates red fell dog. There was an electricity pile on in the field, We couldn't get a mark on the dog with the interference so after hours off listening crawling about to no avail we sent for another dog even though it wasn't practical because all we had was the grey knockers so what was to say we'd not loose two dogs? The second dog was entered but without any significant difference made. Only the help of the farmer to the run off the pipe we probed about and broke in and could hear the second dog baying away a fair bit on up, so we got to them shortly after. The red fell was dead in water 1 dead fox in front of him and two live foxes in behind.

We lost a really good dog to ground in a big place one time. He never surfaced, it would have been a different story with the bellman seeing the grey box only went to 15ft and the dog was out of range, only they came about a few years too late. I like to locate a terrier before turning the box on anyway, just a habit. Done it yesterday but It was only a 0.9 dig so wouldn't be giving any pats on the back for that one. Lol. Good thread.


Remember entering a ferret in a huge place in the middle of a field after seeing about 20 rabbits run in to it.We had only got the grey box a couple of weeks earlier and did not really know much about it.There was also a local radio station about half a mile away and after no rabbit bolted we said not to worry we will dig to the ferret using the locater.My mate turned it on and 1st thing we heard was the birdy song,f*****g hilarious,waited about 2 hours for the ferret to eventually reappear.
At least the music kept you's occupied Fat man lol
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