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Pre Locator Days

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after seeing a topic on ferreting collar less,how many can honestly remember working the terriers without a locator?I know we did for roughly 2 seasons and then thank christ them grey boxes from deben appeared.I can recall putting a bitch belonging to a man in an earth and a while later it poured and the wind picked up and we had no other way but to crawl about in the mud trying to hear some sound,it took 40 minutes to locate and we got lucky,and we were miserable as hell during and after it.it was part of the course for a very short time.the dogs had better voice back then and since,the only time we experienced anything like it was when the collars packed up on the rare occasion,we reverted to the old days and got through it with a lot of worry on the way.How many can recall working the dogs with a shovel,a bar and a good set of ears and wet soggy knees.I cant say I did much of it thankfully but I bet theres a few of the more ''MATURE'' gents on here that have,no ego mastrabating now,just good honest recollections and any anecdotes of the times would be good to hear.NO BLOODY ARGUING NOW PLEASE.

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Two from my familys digging dogs before I was born,dug badger on a regular basis,needless to say no locator.

Thankfully those days are gone. Several terriers to ground at once, earths destroyed forever with trenching, bars stuck through terriers and quarry, days wasted looking for dogs and then as your about

everybody digging to terriers should know how to locate them without a locater we done it for years as they hadnt invented them back then , i remember putting a russel to ground on a big sprawling ear

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done it for yrs 20 plus lol.1 time we took the back seat and spare tyre out of the morris minor w had and burnt them to keep warm the wee terrier was a proper 1 .bought a seat and tyre on the way home lol but we got the terrier and the victim. :yes::toast:

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Jig we had to do it on a lot of numerous occasions ,nobody had a box or due to the old Deben boxes packing in ,

,or the old collar not working ,and honestly I know you.ve started a good thread ,but I believe it was an education

having to locate your dog in the ground with the howling wind and rain blowing and with your ear to the ground and

a Tbar was your best friend in this situation to help you out .

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If your depth was say twice the length of your spit, how did you use it to gauge the depth?


I have always wanted to know how to locate terriers without a box, I do it at the moment with an ear on the ground before sticking on the box but it is something I would like to get good at just incase electronics fail in the field and I can't leave the hole.


Can anyone describe the whole process from terrier entered to breaking through.........say if the hole was 7feet deep.........deeper than the spit. Did it happen regularly that you would have broken through off target, greater than 4 feet and had to re-dig?


I would say speed is the issue, I could just imagine a terrier getting a world of hurt and not being able to get there fast enough.


Do you think that did the Patterdale become more popular with the birth of the deben collar since many are non-Sounding dogs?

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ive done a bit of digging with no collars, mostly in forestry or peaty ground that in my opinion the sound travels better thru, i would hate to have to find a dog in say heavy clay.

ive had to find a dog in rocks with no collar on and that was some mission! that feck it was only about 4 ft deep and throwable sized cobles but we had to trench most the earth.

but it makes you think about the old boys who maybe in the hunt who would have a dog in for a day or two at a time trying to find and dig.. theirs a lot of good stories about digs in big rock borrans in the fells lasting days and the dog was round not trapped as one would exspect but found baying and working they game

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In them days I think mainly bayers were kept as a dog what didn't give tongue would end up in sick bay more than out in the field...and as for the spit/bar I read that the bar was pushed in to the ground and you ear was pressed against it to hear the bay and the vibration the stronger the sound n vibration the closer you were directly over it then dig down.......that is what I have read but not 100% I'm sure if that's tong someone will shoot me down lol

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