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The Bedlington Terrier


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Right lads have just a 7 week old beddy pup, kc but no papers. This is my first terrier to bring on from a pup.


I lost my 8 years old beddy last month after a sharp learning curve of trusting people! Cost me big time money and very nearly my broke my family! But that's another story!!


The house seemed empty without a dog in it, so we decided to get a dog in the spring! But flicking through the net one night the perfect litter came up for sale! So we went for it and picked the pup up Sunday!


So as an upshot of all this was just wondering how you lads and lasses bring your bushing dogs on? Any tips would be great I have two lurchers as well the beddy will be used mostly for ferreting and bushing.



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Hunting up /bushing / marking should come on well with plenty of exposure for the pup. spend time training it to the level of obedience you require.Have plenty of patience. underneath there is a intelligent dog waiting to come out. mines7 now a good little marking dog for ferreting. good luck with your pup atb. :thumbs:



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Even KC bred Beddy,s should learn to bush,its that easy,id want a mutt with better working breeding behing it,KC is a poor option,especially in beddys.Take the mutt out and let it learn its trade.

Edited by morton
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