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at the end of the day if your doing nothing wrong you got no problem!! and if you are doing something naughty and you are smashing it out on pm's, posts, topics with photos and probably facebook and t

I've heard mods can view the web cam and cameras on your phone to see what you are doing even if they are turned off

Theoretically the plod could ask for site information by going through the correct legal channels.   Practically... All the dumb fucks on here that post all their information, regardless, stop the p

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just to prove if the whole mods can read pms and are all police informants they why don't you make hot meat a mod ............then he can let us all no if they can read pms and get approached by the police via pms to tell on the naughty folk......




ps hotmeat if they do make you a mod dont delete me as im only about 6,200 post of becoming a "THL LEGEND"

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ive heard a rumor that Rolf Harris Posted a few pics of lamping pics where he was slotting kangaroos! he pmd a couple of kids asking for hot meat to do 2 little boys for him which was totally above board just looking for a new cover for the christmas market! And Paulus spragged him up! now look what happened!

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The thing is, why would the police or anyone else even bother asking the site staff for information when they could get it themselves without alerting anyone on here to their presence? :hmm:

But, they do :yes: ,They will ask Ian B ,for all relevant info E.mail etc....He WILL REFUSE !!!,but they get a court order ,His hands are tied ,has to hand over info requested ....Simple ! they cover all bases..... They Ask Lab :laugh:

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if all the stupid comments are aimed at me then aint yous stupid as i dont post nowt daft or illegal lol i was simply askin question lol so mods can keep track of members details, other wise how would they know who are banned members returning? it dont affect me in slightest but i wanted to know lol

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if all the stupid comments are aimed at me then aint yous stupid as i dont post nowt daft or illegal lol i was simply askin question lol so mods can keep track of members details, other wise how would they know who are banned members returning? it dont affect me in slightest but i wanted to know lol

when the user name and picture change yet the content remains the same it becomes fairly simple :whistling:

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The thing is, why would the police or anyone else even bother asking the site staff for information when they could get it themselves without alerting anyone on here to their presence? :hmm:

But, they do :yes: ,They will ask Ian B ,for all relevant info E.mail etc....He WILL REFUSE !!!,but they get a court order ,His hands are tied ,has to hand over info requested ....Simple ! they cover all bases..... They Ask Lab :laugh:

And you are??...?

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Its not about if your doing stuff illegally its about would/could a MOD help a buddy gain info about you from site info :hmm::hmm:


For the last time. No. Mods can't help buddies gain any info about anyone. Quit shit-stirring.


I think this topic is going in circles....again.

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To enlighten people


If for some reason there was a valid reason or report that was brought to the attention of the police. They can request certain information, and bypass any data protection act, even if someone refused to give it.


What can they do with information like an email address or IP address.


Heres the clever thing, EVEN if your on AOL, BT and your IP randomly changes, they will look at a date and time you used or made a post/comment on the net.


They will then go to virgin, BT, whoever and ask who was allocated that IP from the pool at that given date and exact time. Then your address will be pin pointed to them and they will go about there usual business, depending on what there interest was.


This is regardless of people posting images with exif data showing there locations. If you do anything illegal and they really want too look into it, they will..

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