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Saluki Racing

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i think the opposite i definatley think with salukis and saluki hybrids the better the relationship with the dog/owner the better the dog will work, in fact i think it ALL about the relationship

Fantastic course. Felt sorry for the hare at the end. Must have been exhausting for the dogs and the hare. Sand is very difficult to run in plus the heat. Unreal.

Didn't like the dropped antelope bit. It reminded me of those vids filmed in Russia where borzois bring down dropped wolves . We brits defo have different ideas about what constitutes a fair course

Have a look at this clip,, 3 and a half mins 2 sals coursing a desert hare,, then a fresh dog is slipped ,,, now it's to not our way I agree,,,, but it brings me back to the other thread,, about whippets and salukis in the us,,,, cos this desert hare put up one hell of a run,,, with absolutely nothing in the way if cover to give the dogs the slip,,,,, a real athaleat



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Henna has mild antiseptic properties and is also used as a hair dye it is available in several colours ans is extracted from plant roots. It is used in the middle east fo its antiseptic qualities to stop infections around nails and in small nicks and cuts it also has cooling properties and many people use it on the soles of there feet when walking on hot surfaces bare foot it is claimed to harden pads on dogs . the old time greyhound men used to use potassium permanganate crystals on the dogs feet hence orange feet and legs. this is for similar purposes as Henna.

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Henna has mild antiseptic properties and is also used as a hair dye it is available in several colours ans is extracted from plant roots. It is used in the middle east fo its antiseptic qualities to stop infections around nails and in small nicks and cuts it also has cooling properties and many people use it on the soles of there feet when walking on hot surfaces bare foot it is claimed to harden pads on dogs . the old time greyhound men used to use potassium permanganate crystals on the dogs feet hence orange feet and legs. this is for similar purposes as Henna.

So works a bit better than dipping the feet inTCP or Dettol :laugh:

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Have a look at this clip,, 3 and a half mins 2 sals coursing a desert hare,, then a fresh dog is slipped ,,, now it's to not our way I agree,,,, but it brings me back to the other thread,, about whippets and salukis in the us,,,, cos this desert hare put up one hell of a run,,, with absolutely nothing in the way if cover to give the dogs the slip,,,,, a real athaleat



Fantastic course. Felt sorry for the hare at the end. Must have been exhausting for the dogs and the hare. Sand is very difficult to run in plus the heat. Unreal.

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Have a look at this clip,, 3 and a half mins 2 sals coursing a desert hare,, then a fresh dog is slipped ,,, now it's to not our way I agree,,,, but it brings me back to the other thread,, about whippets and salukis in the us,,,, cos this desert hare put up one hell of a run,,, with absolutely nothing in the way if cover to give the dogs the slip,,,,, a real athaleat



that was a good spin.they must be pups they slip in at the end.

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Henna has mild antiseptic properties and is also used as a hair dye it is available in several colours ans is extracted from plant roots. It is used in the middle east fo its antiseptic qualities to stop infections around nails and in small nicks and cuts it also has cooling properties and many people use it on the soles of there feet when walking on hot surfaces bare foot it is claimed to harden pads on dogs . the old time greyhound men used to use potassium permanganate crystals on the dogs feet hence orange feet and legs. this is for similar purposes as Henna.

So works a bit better than dipping the feet inTCP or Dettol :laugh:


don't know, ?? but its more natural being a plant extract from africa asia and middle east, so it would be more freely available than these modern products which you wouldn't find out in middle of nowhere

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Henna has mild antiseptic properties and is also used as a hair dye it is available in several colours ans is extracted from plant roots. It is used in the middle east fo its antiseptic qualities to stop infections around nails and in small nicks and cuts it also has cooling properties and many people use it on the soles of there feet when walking on hot surfaces bare foot it is claimed to harden pads on dogs . the old time greyhound men used to use potassium permanganate crystals on the dogs feet hence orange feet and legs. this is for similar purposes as Henna.

So works a bit better than dipping the feet inTCP or Dettol :laugh:


the Henna is natural you can buy TCP and Dettol in the towns and cities but in most middle east countries and Africa it will be forgery probably some chemical that would peel your skin LOL so better to use natural remedies and much cheaper also.

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Henna - history
Henna is native to the Middle East but was spread to many other parts of the world by human interaction. It became an important plant in Muslim religion.
OriginsFrom its native distribution in Iran to western India, henna spread eastwards to the rest of India and Indonesia, and westwards to the Middle East where it became an important plant in Islam. It later followed Muslim armies and traders from Arabia reaching as far as Spain, Madagascar, the Moluccas, Indo China and Japan. It is now distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics.


With centuries of migration and cultural interaction it is difficult to work out where particular traditions began. But, historians claim that henna has been used for at least 5000 years both as a cosmetic and medicine. Some scientists believe that henna use originated in ancient India, while others suggest its use originated in the Middle East and North Africa, and was brought to India in the 12th century by Egyptian Moguls.

HistoryThe ritual painting and decorating of the human body began in pre-history and henna as a tool for this art was particularly prevalent in the cultures of North Africa and the Middle East. From here it possibly spread to South Asia. Over the centuries it has developed to become an intricate art form rich in symbolism. Known in South Asia as mehndi, it is used to celebrate weddings, circumcisions and births.

In India, the use of henna in the 4th and 5th centuries is illustrated on Bodhisattvas and deities of cave wall murals. It was probably used in India seven centuries before the Mogul invasion, and hundreds of years before Muslim religion began in the middle of the 7th century AD.

The use of henna as a decoration in India took off with the advent of Muslim rule and became common after the 12th century. It further developed under the rule of the Mughals and by the 17th century, various designs had evolved. Besides being an art form, the use of mehndi was valued in the heat of summer as it has cooling properties. It is very popular as a natural colouring agent for the hair, keeping it shiny and glossy but also helping to disguise the greying of hair.

The art of henna decorating is now practiced in some nine religionsincluding Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Pagan. Traditionally a woman's art, Indian and Pakistani henna designs are intricate. Intricate patterns are made to decorate a bride, in a ritual a day before the wedding called the mehndi ceremony.

It is now a common household name in both South Asia and Europe, with many people seeing henna as part of their lives either to dye their hair, or tattoo their skin.
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Henna has mild antiseptic properties and is also used as a hair dye it is available in several colours ans is extracted from plant roots. It is used in the middle east fo its antiseptic qualities to stop infections around nails and in small nicks and cuts it also has cooling properties and many people use it on the soles of there feet when walking on hot surfaces bare foot it is claimed to harden pads on dogs . the old time greyhound men used to use potassium permanganate crystals on the dogs feet hence orange feet and legs. this is for similar purposes as Henna.

So works a bit better than dipping the feet inTCP or Dettol :laugh:


the Henna is natural you can buy TCP and Dettol in the towns and cities but in most middle east countries and Africa it will be forgery probably some chemical that would peel your skin LOL so better to use natural remedies and much cheaper also.


and tradition, i like tradition,

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would like a smooth desert bred over here some new blood to add to the mix think coursing lads be lining up bitches to be covered, some i seen on youtube look quick enough... like the smooth salukis :thumbs:

them fluffy eared ones no good, slows them down especially on the windy days lol :D

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would like a smooth desert bred over here some new blood to add to the mix think coursing lads be lining up bitches to be covered, some i seen on youtube look quick enough... like the smooth salukis :thumbs:

them fluffy eared ones no good, slows them down especially on the windy days lol :D


Have to brush them daily for better aerodynamics :laugh:

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would like a smooth desert bred over here some new blood to add to the mix think coursing lads be lining up bitches to be covered, some i seen on youtube look quick enough... like the smooth salukis :thumbs:

them fluffy eared ones no good, slows them down especially on the windy days lol :D


Have to brush them daily for better aerodynamics :laugh:


just shave them, if they still to slow atleast you no you tried lol :thumbs:

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