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Saluki Racing

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i think the opposite i definatley think with salukis and saluki hybrids the better the relationship with the dog/owner the better the dog will work, in fact i think it ALL about the relationship

Fantastic course. Felt sorry for the hare at the end. Must have been exhausting for the dogs and the hare. Sand is very difficult to run in plus the heat. Unreal.

Didn't like the dropped antelope bit. It reminded me of those vids filmed in Russia where borzois bring down dropped wolves . We brits defo have different ideas about what constitutes a fair course

Didn't like the dropped antelope bit. It reminded me of those vids filmed in Russia where borzois bring down dropped wolves .

We brits defo have different ideas about what constitutes a fair course than other countries.

The rest was interesting.

Salukis seem to really obssess their owners more than other running dogs.Guys in the UK talk about their salukis the same way as the arab lad did in the video.

Do dogs really run their hearts out for their owners? The better the man -dog relationship the harder the dog runs?

Nah! Can't believe that. To me dogs of any breed run to catch for themselves, not for their owners.

Edited by jukel123
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Didn't like the dropped antelope bit. It reminded me of those vids filmed in Russia where borzois bring down dropped wolves .

We brits defo have different ideas about what constitutes a fair course than other countries.

The rest was interesting.

Salukis seem to really obssess their owners more than other running dogs.Guys in the UK talk about their salukis the same way as the arab lad did in the video.

Do dogs really run their hearts out for their owners? The better the man -dog relationship the harder the dog runs?

Nah! Can't believe that. To me dogs of any breed run to catch for themselves, not for their owners.

i think the opposite i definatley think with salukis and saluki hybrids the better the relationship with the dog/owner the better the dog will work, in fact i think it ALL about the relationship

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Didn't like the dropped antelope bit. It reminded me of those vids filmed in Russia where borzois bring down dropped wolves .

We brits defo have different ideas about what constitutes a fair course than other countries.

The rest was interesting.

Salukis seem to really obssess their owners more than other running dogs.Guys in the UK talk about their salukis the same way as the arab lad did in the video.

Do dogs really run their hearts out for their owners? The better the man -dog relationship the harder the dog runs?

Nah! Can't believe that. To me dogs of any breed run to catch for themselves, not for their owners.

i think the opposite i definatley think with salukis and saluki hybrids the better the relationship with the dog/owner the better the dog will work, in fact i think it ALL about the relationship


Very interesting. I'll keep an open mind on it. :thumbs:

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can understand what he is saying,had a bond with my old saluki bitch that was amazing,like we were on the same wave lenght all the time,and that dog would run her heart out for me,and allways suprized me in the field think there an outstanding dog once you get a good bond with them.

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