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Don't Like It f**k Off Back I Say?????

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Pity they dont have the same morals about heroin and targeting young vunrable white girls.

Well if you prescribe to the out of Africa theory, then every country in the world is full of immigrants by your assertion! The Englisc, Saxon people whom I am proud to be descended from, won this lan

On that link Chris it says they at not going to put Muslims on the tills but in the bakery.in that case I will have a sausage roll lol

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f***ing discracefull to our own country...its getting worse and worse :yes: , iv seen this country going down hill for years and so has millions of other people but not one of us stands up for litrally our own country :hmm: wave :bye: good bye to britain as we knew it 20-30-40 years ago, has its never gonna be the same again, unless we all ( and i mean the whole country fights for it) SO FRUSTRATING !!!!

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Where would it end?...


Lorry drivers refusing to transport goods because there was pork and alcohol in the load...


Pilots refusing to fly because theres pork in the mid flight meal and a fridge full of champs...


Trolly- dollys refusing to serve it...


List goes on... and on...


Hypocrites...no less.


Give M&S a wide berth.... they have made their bed.

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Shouldnt be the same.... Im irish, work in the uk.... I dont agree with sone of your holidays but have to respect cos its not my country

oh aye, and which holidays would they be then? :hmm:
. Paddys day
I genuinely can't see what holiday we have here in the UK that might be offensive to an Irishman, unless they find Christmas or Easter offensive..

Royal wedding, jubilee...... We were forced not to work them days...

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Shouldnt be the same.... Im irish, work in the uk.... I dont agree with sone of your holidays but have to respect cos its not my country

you can always go home if you dont like it :bye:


Im gonna take all your good work and shag as many of your women as possible 1st



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It AMAZES me that this kind of thing bothers you that much? My life has far more stressful things going on in it . . .

Aye thats true mate , but imagine if they got there xmas wish and they all fecked off would it help this country all the immigrants do the low paid meaningless jobs that most brits wouldn't lower them selves too

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We're a nation of immigrants, long has it been so . . . . .


Some folk just find it easier to rage against the foreigners, based upon the daily mail front page. . . . rather than fight those that have created the system which has led to where we now are . . . . .

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