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Marks & Spencer has told Muslim staff they can refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork.


The policy was revealed after customers who were trying to buy alcohol from a Muslim shop assistant in London were told they'd have to use another till.


The company's decision has highlighted a split in the supermarket giants over religious staff and whether they should be excused from certain jobs and shifts.


At M&S, Muslim staff can politely ask customers buying alcohol or pork to choose another till.


The move is in stark contrast to that at Sainsbury's where guidelines state that there is no religious reasons why they can't handle the goods.


Meanwhile Tesco said it would treat each case on its merits and Asda claimed it wouldn't ask Muslims to work the tills if they objected to handling alcohol.


The customer who was refused to be sold alcohol told the Telegraph: I had one bottle of champagne, and the lady, who was wearing a headscarf, was very apologetic but said she could not serve me.


"She told me to wait until another member of staff was available.


I was taken aback. I was a bit surprised. Ive never come across that before.


A spokesman for M&S said: We recognise that some of our employees practise religions that restrict the food or drink they can handle, or that mean they cannot work at certain times.


M&S promotes an environment free from discrimination and so, where specific requests are made, we will always make reasonable adjustments to accommodate them, whilst ensuring high levels of customer service.


The spokesman said that their policy would be applied to other religions, including Christians who did not want to work Sunday's and Jews who choose not to work Saturdays.

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Pity they dont have the same morals about heroin and targeting young vunrable white girls.

Well if you prescribe to the out of Africa theory, then every country in the world is full of immigrants by your assertion! The Englisc, Saxon people whom I am proud to be descended from, won this lan

On that link Chris it says they at not going to put Muslims on the tills but in the bakery.in that case I will have a sausage roll lol

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for fucks sake, all products are wrapped in either plastic or glass, they don`t handle them at all, just pass them through a scanner, if they have a problem with that then sack the twats and employ others to do the job, spineless twats who let them get away with this stance need to get a grip on reality

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Shouldnt be the same.... Im irish, work in the uk.... I dont agree with sone of your holidays but have to respect cos its not my country


you can always go home if you dont like it :bye:


Im gonna take all your good work and shag as many of your women as possible 1st

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Shouldnt be the same.... Im irish, work in the uk.... I dont agree with sone of your holidays but have to respect cos its not my country

you can always go home if you dont like it :bye:

Im gonna take all your good work and shag as many of your women as possible 1st

. Some poles probly doin the same back in your gaff. Lol
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Shouldnt be the same.... Im irish, work in the uk.... I dont agree with sone of your holidays but have to respect cos its not my country

you can always go home if you dont like it :bye:

Im gonna take all your good work and shag as many of your women as possible 1st

. Like are flag too i see. Lol
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Shouldnt be the same.... Im irish, work in the uk.... I dont agree with sone of your holidays but have to respect cos its not my country

oh aye, and which holidays would they be then? :hmm:
. Paddys day

I genuinely can't see what holiday we have here in the UK that might be offensive to an Irishman, unless they find Christmas or Easter offensive..

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