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my saluki bitch

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I think getting the dog really hungry is more likely to open a whole new can of worms rather than teaching the how catch with it's mouth.


I think I would try to get using its mouth in play whether with a ball, skin, sock or whatever the dog will play with initially and once he is striking and picking up with his mouth then try easy droppers.


Without knowing the all the dogs history it's difficult to know what approach to take but it is important that not too many rabbits get away from him and knocking his confidence.


Ps sorry for hijacking your thread A, I just find it unusual that this dog isn't picking up at this stage of the game. Many Salukis with often try catching with their feet when just starting out but they soon wise up.

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thought id upload a few pictures of my saluki bitch, eve.

she has just turned 11 month old, taken a few bunnys etc, working on fitness at the moment before she is started properly.

She is from cruise of shildon lines back to a dog out of deckon, Showing a lot of potential :signthankspin:






pics arnt the best quality as they were taken on a mobile.


Also here is a picture of my old dog a 1/4 bull greyhound, i know iv asked before but if anyone has seen anything of him around the lancs/wigan area please let me know.



hello mate heres some better pics of my saluki storm his pedegree name is in a desert storm

post-10448-1195233456.jpghe.s 12 months old on 24th of this month

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I think getting the dog really hungry is more likely to open a whole new can of worms rather than teaching the how catch with it's mouth.


I think I would try to get using its mouth in play whether with a ball, skin, sock or whatever the dog will play with initially and once he is striking and picking up with his mouth then try easy droppers.


Without knowing the all the dogs history it's difficult to know what approach to take but it is important that not too many rabbits get away from him and knocking his confidence.


Ps sorry for hijacking your thread A, I just find it unusual that this dog isn't picking up at this stage of the game. Many Salukis with often try catching with their feet when just starting out but they soon wise up.

he will pick up a ball and chuck it around and he does use his feet he is however very very puppyfied still :no:
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I think getting the dog really hungry is more likely to open a whole new can of worms rather than teaching the how catch with it's mouth.


I think I would try to get using its mouth in play whether with a ball, skin, sock or whatever the dog will play with initially and once he is striking and picking up with his mouth then try easy droppers.


Without knowing the all the dogs history it's difficult to know what approach to take but it is important that not too many rabbits get away from him and knocking his confidence.


Ps sorry for hijacking your thread A, I just find it unusual that this dog isn't picking up at this stage of the game. Many Salukis with often try catching with their feet when just starting out but they soon wise up.

he will pick up a ball and chuck it around and he does use his feet he is however very very puppyfied still :no:

he.l get there in the end my other two dogs are lame and out of action for 3 weeks he.l get plenty of work

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My pup has not got that much saluki in her, but has thrown very much to the saluki and she would catch a ball with her feet, after running beside it looking at it without trying to strike as the ball was moving :blink: I gave her a couple of myxied rabbits and this switched her on, the next time I did a bit of training with the ball she chased it properly and grabbed at it while it was moving with her mouth, rather than trapping it with her paws as she had done previously. Its a slow process with her, but she seems to be getting there as she is now starting to look for her own game when shes out and is working away from her mother instead of following her, so it will soon be time to hold her back a little and let her mature, before resuming the training and see how she gets on. Keep at it, these saluki crosses can require a lot of patience, something Ive not got a lot of, but she is teaching it to me at the same slow pace I am trying to teach her :D

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