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Inconvenience Is Bad This Time a Off Yr But Hopefully Gets Sorted . . I'm Sure You'll a Have a Good Xmas Day Mate .


just got back from the dog walk, the wife said the Bank sorted with my lad, and new pin now and should get his money back after xmas.So thats bit better now, i will have pint with him xmas morning, he prob wont be the last person these twats pull this trick on either, hope they catch up with them, before they do it on a oap that would very cruel on old people, they prob not no its been done to them for a while :yes:

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Here's a little tip i was given by a friend who works in a bank, open up another account, just a cash account, with your own bank and set up a direct tranfer every week for the money that you usually draw out of a machine. If you need more out then simply use online banking ,if you have it, to tranfer more cash over if you need it. That way if they clone your card they only take limited funds.


Works well for me and i have actually managed to save money aswell

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remember the days when car theft and burglaries were the norm... nowadays some tw*t empties your bank through technology..the wife got done over couple years ago online ..bank actually notified her before she noticed.. her money was used online gambling in the u.s.a? crazy sh*t when you think how easy it must be ?

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remember the days when car theft and burglaries were the norm... nowadays some tw*t empties your bank through technology..the wife got done over couple years ago online ..bank actually notified her before she noticed.. her money was used online gambling in the u.s.a? crazy sh*t when you think how easy it must be ?



Ray, horrible thing to happen at this time of year... I hope all runs smooth for your lad with the bank and I hope the slimy 'orrible feckers that did it have a nasty accident this Christmas..!

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feck me ray thats abit of bad luck. as has allready been said the bank will sort it out and give him the money back.



feck me ray thats abit of bad luck. as has allready been said the bank will sort it out and give him the money back.



thanks lads, yeh jon it was the last thing neal needed just moving into his new flat, but he should get his money back after xmas .

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Glad your lad got sorted bird, happened to us aswell mate, cnut's booked a flight home with our cash 700 euro, bank paid us back no bother,, card was skimmed at a cashpoint.

thanks , yeh he will cover the pin number with his hand now ,prob make me more careful aswell :thumbs:

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