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Thinking Of Ferreting

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The way most did. Try it and see. Not everybody was takin aside and taught the golden rules if ferreting. Get out and try it. It's not rocket science. Can read all the books or threads in the world but only way you will find out if it's for you is to go try it. You never even asked a question so why get all shirty you asked to be pointed in right direction Ffs what you want told? Directions to a warren? If you can't take. Bit of banter your in wrong place.

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Are you just on about the ferreting forum or THL forum as a whole for being full of morons ??? Cos to be fair I've learnt more from this ferreting forum than I have with books plus if I don't understand something at least I can ask which is one thing you can't do with a book

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As said you can read all the books you want its no substitute for getting out there and doing it learning by your mistakes as long as all your ferrets and nets come home a few rabbits are a bonus

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First of all do a bit research

Then get your self a dozen purse nets and a ferret from working stock, a locator is a must in my eyes but if u can't afford one maybe try to borrow 1 til you can get your own, get out on your perm (if you have perm)find smallish looking burrows/setts/warrens with not to many holes,make sure you can see all the holes or take somebody with you if your doin hedges,make sure the burrow is working ie pad marks off the rabbits fresh kick out runs in and out,collar the ferret turn collar on and slip the ferret in, hopefully you will hear rumbling under ground witch means the rabbits are on the move, be stood like a cat ready to pounce on any fleeing rabbit that hits a net, hey presto your ferreting

I'm no teacher but that should get you going

Happy hunting and good luck


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There's no doubt to be shown the ropes is a lot better, the downside, permission is difficult to come by, so if the ferreter does not know you, then your chances are slim.

Do you know anyone from the area of Scotland, you live in, that goes ferreting, if you know them well, and they will let you tag along, then your quids in.

best of luck.

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Try and find permission then have a good walk around and find any signs of rabbits and holes. Maybe have a wander with a torch as well to see what's about. Pick up a couple of kits in the spring spend the summer handling ready for next winter.

Get a few nets together as you go over the summer. Then try a few holes and see how you go.

Working with an animal to catch some thing and achieving it is a real buzz. Every time my ferret bolts a rabbit I am as proud as punch of them

This one is also good at foot ball :)





As said you can learn a lot by just reading through this section but you still need to get out there as well and have a go

Edited by terryd
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