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Surplus Rabbits For Sale

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got new permission plenty of rabbits frezer full to top my rabbit meat dealer got enough any one no where to sell my surplus to in south yorkshire or can any one take sum off me maybe to sell on make a few quid yourself

If all else fails, try advertising them on the falconry forum, the moults coming up and if there at the right price some breeders maybe interested

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got new permission plenty of rabbits frezer full to top my rabbit meat dealer got enough any one no where to sell my surplus to in south yorkshire or can any one take sum off me maybe to sell on make a few quid yourself

I get 1.50 for them,,, ile give you 75 p for as many as you want to sell,, I'm in notts,, and willing to travel,, meet you near clumber park if that's any good?

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  • 1 year later...

Got 40 in my freezer,,,there in there skins,,,but have guts out yours for £2 each,,, I will meat you at clumber park,,,I live in Nottingham


on it boss...sorted it yesterday. ;)

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I never run out... I'm full. . . if it gets emptied..I,ll go and fill it again..lol.


You would need to be feeding a lot of dogs a lot of rabbits before me an Mr T run out. . :thumbs:

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