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National Working Terrier Federation donations

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The National working Terrier Federation as all working terrier enthusiasts should be aware is the back bone of our sport. Have no doubs if it wanst for the FED and B Wade we would not have any terrier work left. Yes terrier work has been massivly hammered and had no help from BASC who completely undermined the terreir world and our supporting organsations for their Keepers and their needs.


What pisses me off is when you read our sporting press whether the EDRD or Countrymans Weekly and you see the amount of terrier and Lurcher shows through out the year and some in to the season. Apart from a few small clubs the biggest financial donator was the FMWTC and rightly so as they are the biggest club in the Country.


I have been involved and around a few clubs in the past and I am quite aware of the politics of the FMWTC subscription donations, for example, how much does a club keep from a membership etc and functions, raffles etc, who gets the monies an so on. Not just the FMWTC the same happens in all clubs, money the route of all evils!, self promotion and self gain


Ah well getting away from the topic, responses please to the way I think it should be, as follows:


All club shows or self run shows, should donate a % of their profit to the NWTF, there should be no set payment purely a realistic donation.

The NWTF should be given free advertisment space in our Mags to display a yearly list, just like accounts, of all donations they have received.

I do not expect the Fed to spend time naming and shaming, but individuals like me and you (I have) should enquire with the show organisers as to where their profite go? Make you own mind if morlay right and you are happy with their answer which is usually the local charity. This I do not agree with as all persons can donate to their chosen charity as and when they wish. Money raised by dog men/women should go back in to the fighting fund to save our sport and terriers.


Clubs that do not show any financial support should be boycotted and named and shamed. The federation is self funding and any shows, events etc that are making good money should lead by example. It would be intresting to know if any donations are given from organisors such as the Welsh Game fair, Midland Game fair, Yorkshire show, to name 3 very big shows.


Comments please and hopefully constructive comments that we can implement through embarrasment if need be

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I have attended NWTF meetings and agree with you totally m.r1 on the work B. Wade does.

Its always been a mystery to me, over the years, that the BFSS and BASC have never really promoted or supported the NWTF (well, it's never obvious anyways)!

Yes, your points are very valid with regard to club donation BUT 'some' smaller shows & clubs (in the past) are born an run by local lads usually, few have ever really gotten to grips with the political side of things, their members usually swerve anything that is remotley linked to forms, phone calls or signatures. Most individuals are not members of FMWTC . Throw the charity line in and all will be well (though i'm sure that some genuine clubs have donated to some fantastic causes, giving 'our world' some great press ).

Been there myself, to many times, run a show, get a few sheckles in the pot and its never 'lets donate', always lets get pissed, 'members' (never a truer name for some!) have seen that 'hard earned' cash as re-payment for all their effort turning up for meetings and running the fecking show!

I wouldn't know what some of the big guns do with regard to donating to any field sports body, suffice to say I'll bet that whilst reaping in the mega bucks, allowing a govorning bodys stand in, would be payment enough!!!

I would like to think that with the 'current climate' a lot of poorley run shows will go by the wall and we could concentrate on a few that matter, maybe EDRD would look at this but not in a name and shame way, more just not to publicise, more editorials about the work of the NWTF would be welcome, to promote to new and young (in my opinion, i'm getting very tired with reading about fecking halal slaughter, the BMP and gay rights in a working dog mag when there's far more pressing info to give out!!)..... but the Countrymans........the more I read it the more I notice that articles about working a terrier to ground are...... Well, you don't need me to tell you!!

Edited by Bosun11
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Well M.R, i never thought about donating to the fed, the show that we ran this year was donated all to cancer reaserch, so a worthy cause . I think many do not realisie that the Fed even exists and it needs a far higher profile, maybe a good website and option to join "online". forget BASC and CA, they are only intereested in shooters, and a total waste of time IMHO. The CA is a big money pit and the "top men" feed well from the trough. :yes::thumbdown: Shame really as theres tens of thousands of working dog people..... :doh::doh: still, such is life... JD

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No don t think i heard of it ,if i did it was only a mention.Does it include Ireland?What about SACS do they not do a decent enough job?With regards to the CMW i wrote a letter about 4 years ago complaining about the lack of earthwork articles,all i got was about 6 articles in response to my letter defending the use of terriers above ground, :doh:

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Words well spoken mr1. But the NWTF dont seem to do a lot to promote themselves,and as i understand it you can only be an affiliated member via a club such as FMWTC,surely they would be able to raise more funds and be able to promote themselves better,thus recieving more support,if people could become direct members,aswell as through affiliated clubs, i think more people would join and they could become a bigger voice.NWTF do a sterling job as it is, but a bigger membership can only be a good thing to promote our cause.And i agree more money from terrier related events should go their way.Perhaps set up a fund on here where members can donate a few quid by paypal.If everyone on here who works terriers just gave a quid it'd make a big difference.Most of us prob fork out £50 or so a year to CA or BASC, i think a few quid to NWTF would'nt go amiss! :thumbs:

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I think the organisation is excellent but agree with some of the other comments, they need to do more to promote themselves, a good website with a link for donations would be good. My local club, RVWTC is affiliated and Barry Wade gave us a talk which was superb, the man is a real gent and an excellent representative for terrierwork.

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I've met Barry Wade and you'll see him in the CA tent at the big shows,plus he does the terrierclub circuits.But he does at times look like a one man band.I think its about time he wrote some articles for the press ie EDRD and CW.To inform all and sundry.If terrierwork is'nt kept in the spotlight it'll be passed by (even if the ban is turned around).

I agree that EDRD is getting a bit bitter too. :thumbdown:

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  waz77 said:
Most of us prob fork out £50 or so a year to CA or BASC, i think a few quid to NWTF would'nt go amiss! :thumbs:

Well said Waz but.......thats no small ammount each year to end up in a bottomless pit and what do we have to show for it?.......I'm with Darcy, in that it just gets 'creamed' by some.

Throwing money at something isn't always the best solution (remember the money given so blatantly, generously and willingly at Hide Park (amongst others) and where did that feckin get us?)


Profile and communication are the keys here, a platform needed....... But I do wonder........ why is information on the Fed so difficut for people to access (the FMWTC seems to be going the same way?), does Barry try to promote the Fed within our ranks through our publications or do they just pass him by??

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Hello All


Bosum, in relation to the BFSS now CA, they were the back bone to the Fed when it was first started, they financialy supportwed the Fed and also promoted it from 1984, I attended in 85 or 86, that long ago now and rarely missed the AGMs


Barry is a bit of a 1 man band, the work he does takes him away from his family for long periods, he has travelled all over Europe meeting Politicians, attending Forms, debates with the League Against Cruel sports etc, these are to name a few


The fed did have a good membership,, meetings were held in Worcestershire which was a centre point for all to try to attend, however, some 8 to 10 years ago it was decided to change to Cumbria to make it easier for the Scottish terrier clubs. I know what people are thinking, "Scottish clubs", but let me tell you the Scotts have supported both Barry and the club far more than most. I attended the meetings for many years and I can recall the many times there would be 1 or 2 clubs from Wales, yes Wales were there are, or where at the time plenty of clubs and shows. From the South of England there would be the JRT and a few others, not many. Adverts have been plenty over the years and the fact is people couldnt be bothered, there is a web site, please visit, you can join as an individual none voting member, all info is on the site.


Darcy, I have the same thoughts about BASC, HOWEVER, We cannot afford to be divided, bit like some of the pompus b*****ds on the Horses with some mounted packs, do us no favours but we need their clout. get in touch with Barry and get your club involved, I would ask all people who are in clubs to urge their members to vote and join the fed, doesnt matter if you only have 5 members, you will then become a statistic, how do you think the Antis done it, they set up plenty of small cubs to make themselves look bigger and Politicians listened and were taken in, we are far larger in numbers but unfortunatly we do not, or did not promote our selves and defend our rights.


Its never to late, we may think we lost when the so called Hunting ban came in, think positive, we won, the antis had been promissed for over 20 years Labour would ban Hunting, they didnt, we are still hunting, albeit monitored and Policed and we can still work terriers, again not to the limits we would like to, lets push on and defend what we have left

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  m.r1 said:
get in touch with Barry and get your club involved, I would ask all people who are in clubs to urge their members to vote and join the fed, doesnt matter if you only have 5 members, you will then become a statistic, how do you think the Antis done it, they set up plenty of small cubs to make themselves look bigger and Politicians listened and were taken in, we are far larger in numbers but unfortunatly we do not, or did not promote our selves and defend our rights.

I fully agree m.r1.......clubs and groups should get involved and a 'push' is needed but for the layman this needs to come through our publications a lot more. The then BFSS were the backbone of the Fed (as you say 'in the past') but I see little support these days.

I too have attended both at Worcestershire and some 15 or so years later at Cumbria and a difference was obvious, I also felt a sense of 'a group in hiding' at Cumbria, never seemed so at Worcestershire and yes, sad to say, the Welsh and southern clubs were conspicuous by there absence.

I wish Barry and the 'National Working Terrier Federation' well, it should be stronger, it needs to be stronger........



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We have such an organisation called the Countryside Alliance, yes its not perfect, there will always be people who shoot that disagree with terrier work or coursing as an alternative to their chosen sport and control method and vice versa, but I understand the need for such a method of control where my methods are not suitable. It would be and has proved impossible to have 1 so called allinace/organisation to equally rerpresent us all. The Alliance tries and will continue to try, there will be decisions made both you and I will disagree with and ask the question "do they knowm what they are talking about", and the answer is yes but on ocassions they may not fully represent all our views that is why we need educated (both in the class room and in the filed) terrier/lurcher friendly/supportive people in high places within the alliance.


The beauty of the alliance is it is established, it has cross membership support and is recognised, to try to establish another rival organisation would be fruitless, in my opinion. All we can do is voice our opinion, support and subsrcibe

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