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Collars Or Not

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What's people thoughts on working there dogs with collars and without 1 or even in general exercise ?

I found my bitch this morning hung on a low branch and she managed to twist round till the collar was so tight that it strangled her to the point her eyes where bulging and had shit herself I managed to cut the collar free from her and got her to regain breathing properly she was a bit out of it coming home and when I got in but seems fine now she has had a good fluid intake and a light meal ,so im thinking now leave the collar off when out so this does happen again as next time it could be a R I P write up .


thanks in advance



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What's people thoughts on working there dogs with collars and without 1 or even in general exercise ?

I found my bitch this morning hung on a low branch and she managed to twist round till the collar was so tight that it strangled her to the point her eyes where bulging and had shit herself I managed to cut the collar free from her and got her to regain breathing properly she was a bit out of it coming home and when I got in but seems fine now she has had a good fluid intake and a light meal ,so im thinking now leave the collar off when out so this does happen again as next time it could be a R I P write up .


thanks in advance



Close one, glad shes ok mate :thumbs:

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I have always ran mine with collars on...


Had plenty of injuries none in relation to wearing a collar..


Can see it may happen but its not a common injury, collars getting caught.


Well not for me anyway.


Glad your dogs ok fella..

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