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Sluki Question...why?

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First, I have never even watched a Saluki run in the flesh. I have no experience with them whatsoever.


I am under the impression that they are dumb as a box of rocks and do not consider listening to their owner as a priority.


Are the Saluki crosses purely for coursing competition and fire the dog in there type hunts or are they of any real value to a lurcherman?


Also, how are the crosses for intelligence? (ex. saluki X gh. x collie)


what do you think is the more intelligent the collie or the saluki?
don't think one is more intelligent than the other, more about tractability than intelligence imo.
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They are not dumb at all, but if you look at their history and background, they've never evolved to work with humans and obey orders in the way a Collie does, for example. I always liken them more to

You want it summed up in one sentence. "A saluki works for itself, it tolerates humans on the end of the slip but it needs to learn nothing from us"

The saluki are a primitive breed of dog which on the whole means they become social thru the hunt, Not thru fussing petting or thru learning commands or given treats   The main problem today is the

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Saluki has become a generic term of long dog. As for massive generalisations - anti social?? Interesting description.


But all becomes clear in the last lines....fetish for obedience



I prefer independant thought, not collie style ;)



saluki has become a generic term in some circles, but i'm talking about pures, and admittedly my experience islimited, but i can only write what i have experienced myself ;)

i would also say that collies are more than capable of independent thought, they just dont mind if you decide to put some structure or control to it.i guess


it boils down to two main things, the uses you have for the dog, and what your own personality is like (can you ahndle it mentally?). i know plenty of blokes who wouldnt give a collie cross kennel space, and just as many who wouldnt countenance a saluki-blooded dog on their premises.

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to me they simply lurchers ,, likely the oldest type , look at the uk coursers a lot look very similar, another regional variation like tazi, sloughi etc the lines are only as honest as the men breeding them, no lies can be told once they off the slip and running, no piece of paper etc can help them then, peds best written on field

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Saluki has become a generic term of long dog. As for massive generalisations - anti social?? Interesting description.


But all becomes clear in the last lines....fetish for obedience



I prefer independant thought, not collie style ;)



saluki has become a generic term in some circles, but i'm talking about pures, and admittedly my experience islimited, but i can only write what i have experienced myself ;)

i would also say that collies are more than capable of independent thought, they just dont mind if you decide to put some structure or control to it.i guess


it boils down to two main things, the uses you have for the dog, and what your own personality is like (can you ahndle it mentally?). i know plenty of blokes who wouldnt give a collie cross kennel space, and just as many who wouldnt countenance a saluki-blooded dog on their premises.



i think you got way up if you can live with dog temperament as pose to if its a good hunting dog.Meaning if the most important thing to you is how much it can catch day+ night, or the size of the bag dont bother you, just living with it and getting on with it is more inportant.??

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again its a balance, its a pure saluki , too many expect to get one and it to be a saluki lurcher, you enjoy em more if you accept them for what they are, whippets far from perfect however they do a job and are enjoyed saluki the same, some make great lampers, some are mint on bolted rabbits, some good on bambi Charlie etc , most however are just everyday average jack of all trades types if allowed to be, better than being average or poor at one thing maybe, more hunting you do with them the happier they are, sure they feck up and frustrate all types do that though,


Ive no doubt any decent lurcher man could take one of my pups and make something from it, I doubt he would find them anything like the scatty timid loony ones you here of, your a good lurcher man come take one and try it mate :yes: if its no good or like they say fetch it back and all put me hands up on here as being wrong :icon_redface:

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Take a falcon or hawk, and mans ability to work with such a primal creature, that is never ever truly tame , only conditioned in a certain manner, man can hunt with this animal something he has no real control of once he lets go of the jesses, sure hunger works as motivation to return, however its ultimately the partnership that's the real motivation to return, the falcon or hawk sees the man and also dog (worse natural predator) as a vital part of the hunt, all this is not done by magic as falconers would like most think it is, its done by following very simple basic steps and bonding of a team, working hard together , understanding and seeking to improve, kicking the bollocks off summat you that close to is impossible , so when things go wrong you step backwards and rewalk the path until success comes , same with saluki dog, once you in their heads control is rarely needed like most dogs that work well with owner and rarely screw up

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