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Picking Up A 5 Yard Net


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One of the drawbacks of a fixed netting system I am afraid, you will need a basket to put it in. One of lifelong cumbrians plastic tubs would be ideal. You could try a paper boys bag or simular till you find something suitable.


Edited to add: LC made a video not so long ago showing how he picks up and shoots nets with his baskets, that would give you a better understanding. I will have a look if I can find it.



Edited by tiercel
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I got shown last year. Just like picking up a traditional. Pull out your first peg and pick up the top and bottom line, keep as much net off the floor. Then thread half a arms length on the point at a time. Just wrap the last bit round both pegs. The guy who showed me kept his two or three stoppies in a sack, no probs. If you have a handful of them, its probably easier with a small basket though.

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What bob said above,,, it's also best if the bottom line can slide up the polea few inches easily ,,,I have a stop net you can use like this,,, mine packs away in a bag that the poles stick out of top and bottom,, but there's a drawstring to keep It all in place

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On those stop nets from master hunter,, he doesn't use a grommet on the bottom,,, the bottom line is just tied round the pole loose so it can slide up and down the pole,,, it won't fall off the bottom,, as the mesh is taped to the pole,, and it only slides so far up,, because the pole is tapered ...

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ok mate cheers.was also wondering on the quick set system the end poles were the mesh is threaded over the pole they are also taped on to stop the net sliping off the end of the pole do you no what hight theres are taped at and what meshes are taped up......sorry for all the Q,s just trying get all the info befor i star making my 25 yarder ...cheers

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To be honest I've never looked that close to see what height, you will work it out when you have laid it a few times.


With such a short net,,, you can just lay it without the method bob and myself have outlined, you can just stick one end pole in the ground,, and drag the net across the ground and stick the other pole in the ground,,,, of course if you keep the main body of the net in one hand,, and keep it elevated , not much of the net will actually drag on the ground,, you might find this method easier,,,


When gathering the net, with this method........ Feck it hang on ile look on YouTube ,, to see if there's anybody doing it,, I know phil Lloyds old films had this method......back in a mo

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Cheers tomo....been looking my self but giving my self head ach keep flicking from site to site lol ill be having abasket in jan but I have 4 5yard stop nets a 25 and a 50 so I wanted put the 50 and 25 on a basket then put the stop nets in a sack so I don't have to buy 2 baskets

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