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My fhh has just all if a sudden started screaming like fck from first thing on the morning till last thing at night. Its been nerly 3 weeks since she started and tried a number of things but shes still a screamer even sometimes when shes around 2.4 even though she flys at 2.1. Iv made the title as it is has i didnt think for 1 minute id be making this thread as shes been doin so well had a few decent kills this season and done good last season for her first. Shes had 3 bunny a squirrel and 2 big rats but these have been weekend kills as she hasnt really took to the lamp this year she just wont look on the end of it iv dragged lures on the end and carcases she will go for them but when it comes to a sitting bunny she doesnt move offf the glove. Or sometimes just flying onto the grass expecting food so i stopped flying her on the lamp. Iv only been getting out the weekends the last 4 weeks and im wondering if this could be the reason shes started screaming with her not getting out as much now as i had her out everyday the last couple of month until the dark hours as set in fast in the last month and i cant get her out before or after work as its dark now before and after work. I start work at 8 and finish at 4 so add half hour traveling to that each way and its pitch black. The good news is it was my last day at work today and im now off until the 6th of jan for christmas holidays so ill get her out everyday putting as much game infront of her as i can.. I really carnt take much more of this screaming though especially over the christmas holidays its gonna drive me and the neighbours nuts as it has been for the last 3 weeks so if she carnt prove herself by my work with her over the next few weeks i think my other half may force me to get rid of her which i definatly dont want happening. . .

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mate am down near durham drop her here if needs be , see how she goes , offers there, shitter when no other falconers around ya to help out near by, likesay if ya stuck all do me best to help ya, can

My fhh has just all if a sudden started screaming like fck from first thing on the morning till last thing at night. Its been nerly 3 weeks since she started and tried a number of things but shes stil

Much appreciated articgun pretty ideal aswel as im only in sunderland.. I will see how i get in with her over the next week with me been off work il get her out everyday for a while hopefully get a fe

Flew my female every single day,even got game under her and took her weight right up well over her best response weight and mine did the same,send her out to a mate for a few weeks she may go silent when you get her back..good luck.

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sociable and vocal species are Harris . mine vocalises when she sees me or the wife , its like a little chat she soon settles once she on glove or when she sees we off out with the dog hunting , neighbours just laugh at her , mind it could become intolerable, could it not be worth trying sending her to a mate for a few week and then having her back worth a try , hope it comes right for ya pal fingers crossed

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@youcanthide.bang nice 1 mate its devistating all the work and hours iv put into her since pulling her from her parents bout a year and half ago.


@milo weird how the can jus go like that though i even stopped feeding her from the glove alltogether amd still hasnt workd.


@arcticgun i know mate i dont mint the vocalising but thers vocalization to the extreme. She used to just let the odd squawk out when she saw menor the ither half same as urs really and nothing at all to be even botherd about but all of a sudden shes started getting up just before 6am every morning squawking like hell iv had to go outside and fetch her in the big travel box in the garage sometimes its been so bad. Like 5 second breaks between 4 to 5 long squawk intervals constantly lol drives ya nuts a tell ya. Dunno if iv got a mate i can trust now to be fair i fell out with my good mate a few weeks ago whilst at work. Gets stressfull having to work with ya best pal aswell as been out with him hunting and drinking now n then ha. Il get sumit sorted though iv got a mate i used to go out with who i could give a ring. Hes clued up and lnows hes stuff its just wether he will take her on for abit.

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mate am down near durham drop her here if needs be , see how she goes , offers there, shitter when no other falconers around ya to help out near by, likesay if ya stuck all do me best to help ya, can be hard balancing work and birds even worse this time of year family lack of daylight and the feckin weather

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Much appreciated articgun pretty ideal aswel as im only in sunderland.. I will see how i get in with her over the next week with me been off work il get her out everyday for a while hopefully get a few more kills under her might quietin her down if she doesnt settle il take up tour offer if thats sound mate. A take it youv got all the setup their ready? Pm me your mobile num mate, cheers.

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  On 19/12/2013 at 21:11, CrowHawker said:

I'd take arctics offer they are noisy! Weather PR for 20 weeks or imprints they are a funny breed of hawk! Once they have found their voice you'll be lucky for them to stop in the same surroundings/routine. Good luck.

I know mate strange. Its funny how a few weeks go by and shes changed into this screamer. Didnt have anybother with her last season or up until around 3 to 4 weeks ago. Like i said theres not much more my lass and the neighbours can take now so i think a few weeks with arctic could do it good. Il see how she is next few days.

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I really do feel for you mate, and I hope you can resolve the problem, strange how she has started after all this time, it is one thing I will not tolerate, it drives me to distraction, nevermind being bloody embarrassing, I think it is the routine they get used to that starts them off, when they are at flying weight, I am sure you already have! But have a plan in place if you cant stop the screaming, as in all honesty, once they start it can be very very hard to stop, best of luck pal.

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  On 21/12/2013 at 12:06, charlie caller said:

I really do feel for you mate, and I hope you can resolve the problem, strange how she has started after all this time, it is one thing I will not tolerate, it drives me to distraction, nevermind being bloody embarrassing, I think it is the routine they get used to that starts them off, when they are at flying weight, I am sure you already have! But have a plan in place if you cant stop the screaming, as in all honesty, once they start it can be very very hard to stop, best of luck pal.

I know mate trying to think of a whole new routine to the 1 im use nw which is gonna probs take a little time to slowlly adjust and get right. Iv stopped feeding her from the glove directly and changed the coat i used to wear as she used to know whoch pocket the meat was gonna come from as anyone got any other ideas to possible things i could change or try??

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  On 21/12/2013 at 12:26, craigynewall said:


  On 21/12/2013 at 12:06, charlie caller said:

I really do feel for you mate, and I hope you can resolve the problem, strange how she has started after all this time, it is one thing I will not tolerate, it drives me to distraction, nevermind being bloody embarrassing, I think it is the routine they get used to that starts them off, when they are at flying weight, I am sure you already have! But have a plan in place if you cant stop the screaming, as in all honesty, once they start it can be very very hard to stop, best of luck pal.

I know mate trying to think of a whole new routine to the 1 im use nw which is gonna probs take a little time to slowlly adjust and get right. Iv stopped feeding her from the glove directly and changed the coat i used to wear as she used to know whoch pocket the meat was gonna come from as anyone got any other ideas to possible things i could change or try??


could be many things craig even lights going on in the morning,sound and association etc,change as much of the routine as you can,and if rich or yourself cant sort it you know where i am,ile give it a shot for you,atb mc

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