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Ronnie Biggs

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decent never its thought it was him or edwards that coshed the driver with an iron bar leaving him unable to work again, he deserted his sons who live in oz and he was dishonourbly discharged from the forces he was jailed for turning over a chemists for drugs, he was a cheap no mark who lived off handouts with his stories.

yea..he was a tealeaf alright..its on the news when he arrived up at heaven for judgement st peter says wait there till i go get the boss when he cam back the pearly gates was missing :laugh:

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a criminal is down to perspective in my opinion. tony blair has f****d over more people than ronnie biggs, hes destroyed more families, and killed more people. not quite a gun to their head but he def

Frann won't be happy he missed this death .........

One thing's for sure he enjoyed his life and didn't give a feck   You have to crank it up   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk1osVnYt0s

it was saying that he was only at the robbery because he new some train drivers

R.I.P ronnie

he got a get away driver the job went along for the ride,never touched the money till they holed up at the farm he hardly gangster no1,as they say more of a camio roll in the whole thing

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decent never its thought it was him or edwards that coshed the driver with an iron bar leaving him unable to work again, he deserted his sons who live in oz and he was dishonourbly discharged from the forces he was jailed for turning over a chemists for drugs, he was a cheap no mark who lived off handouts with his stories.


yeh the guard was never the same again, watched the program on the box .Its ok saying he got away with it and fair play and all that crap.If they had done the job and nobody got hurt ok no prob, But they did'nt they finished that bloke with brain injury, so feck him . :yes:

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a criminal is down to perspective in my opinion. tony blair has f****d over more people than ronnie biggs, hes destroyed more families, and killed more people. not quite a gun to their head but he definitely had a hand in it...the other hand was round george bushes cock. Hes a bigger criminal than ronnie biggs in my opinion and he's not spent a day in the big house. would he be classed as a criminal..? Not by many.


even hitler only took his country to one war, the lying war criminal b*****d.

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it was saying that he was only at the robbery because he new some train drivers

R.I.P ronnie

he got a get away driver the job went along for the ride,never touched the money till they holed up at the farm he hardly gangster no1,as they say more of a camio roll in the whole thing


it was a retired train driver he brought but the train was one he hadnt driven and couldnt shift it so him and biggs had to help shift the money on to the trucks,, he took his share £147grand and blew within three yr, he left his kids and misses in oz where his oldest son was killed in a crash aged ten,he was no better than the scroates that come in the night and steal you dogs and sell them for a few quid, he wasnt robin hood

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a criminal is down to perspective in my opinion. tony blair has f****d over more people than ronnie biggs, hes destroyed more families, and killed more people. not quite a gun to their head but he definitely had a hand in it...the other hand was round george bushes cock. Hes a bigger criminal than ronnie biggs in my opinion and he's not spent a day in the big house. would he be classed as a criminal..? Not by many.


even hitler only took his country to one war, the lying war criminal b*****d. so if he knocked your dogs you would pat him on the back and say its alrite ronnie boy your small fry so go ahead i'll get another.

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a criminal is down to perspective in my opinion. tony blair has f****d over more people than ronnie biggs, hes destroyed more families, and killed more people. not quite a gun to their head but he definitely had a hand in it...the other hand was round george bushes cock. Hes a bigger criminal than ronnie biggs in my opinion and he's not spent a day in the big house. would he be classed as a criminal..? Not by many.


even hitler only took his country to one war, the lying war criminal b*****d. so if he knocked your dogs you would pat him on the back and say its alrite ronnie boy your small fry so go ahead i'll get another.



did he knock over some dogs like? im not sure i understand your angle. The only reason he got such a harsh sentence is because it was big cigar smoking business men that the money came from. robbing from multi million pound companies and nobody gives a shit. I care my tv gets taken from my living room....but if currys doesnt get the TV's it ordered because some bloke has stopped the lorry on the m1 and took them, i don't give a shit.

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I can't believe that some hold him in reverence or with affection.......................


He was involved in a robbery that saw two men violently assaulted and traumatised, never showing any remorse for being involved, though he was happy to be portrayed as the 'Mr Big'.

The gang planted evidence on an innocent man, Billy Bowles, who died in prison as a result.

He used legal loopholes and technicalities to evade punishment for 35 years, living the 'high life' and mocking the law in the process.

He snubbed his nose at decent, law-abiding people and their values.


When the money and celebrity interviews eventually ran out, he came skulking back here, with his tail between his legs, because he wanted the British taxpayer to pay for his healthcare! Still not showing the slightest remorse !


A common thief at best - at worst a coward, afraid to serve his sentence.


Loveable rogue? Folk hero? Don't make me laugh..................

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I can't believe that some hold him in reverence or with affection.......................


He was involved in a robbery that saw two men violently assaulted and traumatised, never showing any remorse for being involved, though he was happy to be portrayed as the 'Mr Big'.

The gang planted evidence on an innocent man, Billy Bowles, who died in prison as a result.

He used legal loopholes and technicalities to evade punishment for 35 years, living the 'high life' and mocking the law in the process.

He snubbed his nose at decent, law-abiding people and their values.


When the money and celebrity interviews eventually ran out, he came skulking back here, with his tail between his legs, because he wanted the British taxpayer to pay for his healthcare! Still not showing the slightest remorse !


A common thief at best - at worst a coward, afraid to serve his sentence.


Loveable rogue? Folk hero? Don't make me laugh..................

All very true............but we love it......its human nature.......I take it, all the people being so judgemental.....would never watch films such as 'goodfellas', 'the godfather' etc etc, all based on fact, but we as humans love to watch.......we can't get enough of it!!..........he never claimed to be morally pure... ...but we all read the story, like we are doing now.

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