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Lamp Or Scope Mounted Torch?

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I have been asked by a mate to thin out a few rabbits from digging up his garden!

in the past I have used a hand held lamp to good effect but have been looking

at scope mounded torches when I have not got someone to work the lamp...has anyone

got any experience and advice?

big question are the torches any good?


will be using my eclipse or HW 77k


any advice would be most welcome!





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How big is the garden? Most of us on here use a torch. You can get a cheap ultra fire from eBay or splash out on a led Lenza or similar. The ultra fire is good and serves me well. Just chose a colour for the light (most use red)

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I bought a T20 kit from Nite-Tek to use on my HMR. Could be considered too powerful for airguns but you can adjust the focus to widen the beam, making it more suitable. I'm just uploading Part 1 of a review now to my YouTube channel.


There's loads of options out there, you won't need anything too powerful but I'd definitely go for a red beam or filter as appose to a white one. If you're planning on mounting it to your scope make sure the mounting system is a good one too. It can be really irritating if the scope mount is fiddly and if it's not set high enough can reflect back from your barrel or moderator through your scope.


I wouldn't spend more than £70 for a lamp on any of my set-up's :thumbs:

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Ive only just got into lamping and bought a torch light without thinking of beam colour.

You'll probably be ok for a while sull, until they associate the light with danger. Just try not to 'overshoot' your permission and you'll be fine.


The golf course rabbits on my perm are getting twitchy with the red T20 at the mo

Edited by Elliott
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the clulite masterlight is a good torch and could also be used for proper nights lamping used to own one and was one of the best tourches ever can be dimmed right down aswel thing is with buying something for specific job ie garden if you ever need to go out on big perm youll have to buy another lamp then thats why when buying stuff like that i buy for everything i ever need it for

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