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One Of The Great Mysteries Of Life

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WILF you can talk the last time you were up here you were driving skinny jeans turned up at the bottoms with boat shoes and no socks and im sure your teeth had been whitened cause before that you look like you had a mouth full of sugar puffs ... and wtf is that gelled side parting you southeners mince about with

Edited by MIK
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its because they dont want to look like a ben mitchell stunt double

Maybe it's because we hit puberty at a proper age   Tell me something what is it with southerners which makes them so feckin miserable

Are you sure that the northern half of England never got invaded by the Germans at some point?........I used to walk past this barbers in Munich every day and to look at the pictures of hairstyles on

Wilf you shouldn't really generalise about northerners. You're just asking for a coachload of moustachioed northerners and their whippets to come down and give you a visit. :laugh:

you forgot our flat caps you soft southern shandy drinking bxstard :D

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No word of a lie, this.

I was visiting my old Mum and my sisters in Nottingham yesterday. I mentioned that we'd bought a new sofa, and Mum asked where from. "Ikea", I said. "Ooh", she replied "get him, with his soft Southern ways!"


(I moved to MK 6months ago !) :blink:

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No word of a lie, this.

I was visiting my old Mum and my sisters in Nottingham yesterday. I mentioned that we'd bought a new sofa, and Mum asked where from. "Ikea", I said. "Ooh", she replied "get him, with his soft Southern ways!"


(I moved to MK 6months ago !) :blink:


Aye she's right. If you had been North you would have made your own from some offcuts, a pallet, horsehair and chicken wire :D

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C'mon Wilf get the plane up and come and visit :laugh:



Mate just said , thank f *ck for that paki's have just moved next door

And your happy with that , i said :blink:

Yer for one horrible minute i thought they where southerners :laugh: :laugh:

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No word of a lie, this.

I was visiting my old Mum and my sisters in Nottingham yesterday. I mentioned that we'd bought a new sofa, and Mum asked where from. "Ikea", I said. "Ooh", she replied "get him, with his soft Southern ways!"


(I moved to MK 6months ago !) :blink:


Aye she's right. If you had been North you would have made your own from some offcuts, a pallet, horsehair and chicken wire :D


We used to dream of furniture made out of pallets........................ :D

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WILF you can talk the last time you were up here you were driving skinny jeans turned up at the bottoms with boat shoes and no socks and im sure your teeth had been whitened cause before that you look like you had a mouth full of sugar puffs ... and wtf is that gelled side parting you southeners mince about with

See, I don't class you jock minges as Northerners same as I don't class my old woman as a northerner........the jock and the paddy lads just don't sport the same Hitler-esque under nasal fluff for a start...........and they don't seem to sport the same line in natty pullovers !! Lol lol


Anyway, I won't take criticism from the jocks anwanser to Phil Mitchell ! Lol lol

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Is it still true that "men" south of Watford gap have no testicles? :icon_eek:

Could be true, I know I nearly wore mine out when I was working in Stockton when I was a kid !! Lol lol

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