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War On Iran

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I wonder if this will be Georges next target before he finally steps down :hmm:...


Why else would he be trying to stabilise the border country of Afghanistan? Surely not to use as a steppingstone to launch a land and sea offensive??


If he does I sure hope that our lap-dog government doesn't get dragged in to help - if you though that Iraq was an ugly war then it will pale into insignificance with the sheer enormity of this task. These people have fought wars, dirty wars, for generations. :gunsmilie: They are battle hardened warriors. :boxing: The western civilisation does not frighten them.


I for one would not even like to contemplate what would happen if this plan goes ahead. :no:



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Guest JohnGalway

Being over extended in Iraq, invading a country three times it's size with a population who have a history of martyrdom in the face of invasion seems a real good idea.


Some people may want to do it, it won't happen though as the US of A can't handle the job, plain and simple.

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Guest nitevision

bush mite be up for it but i cant see fudge packer brown hatter wanting to get roped into it,unless thats why some of our troops are geting ready to up sticks from the south of iraq,thought tony was his typical self in leaving them there when he jumped ship, fecking coward. :gunsmilie:

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Perhaps with this information we can see why the usa hasnt been in to much of a hurry to leave Iraq. Nice and handy that a waring nation already has massed troops on the ground, as well as all its supplys that would be needed to fight a war on this scale, just the other side of the border.



I cant remember what it was that was in the news about 3 months ago but i was watching the news and i said to my wife, ""oh here we go, the USA will be fighting in Iran soon""


Like OTC said, they are a fighting nation, they have allways been that way and their wars arnt guieded by laws an rules of engagement. Send in the USA and British armed forces and you will see a bloodbath on a scale not seen for many years. I personaly see this as being the start of a new world conflict, a conflict thats going to go on for many years and having world reaching effects on all nations.

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