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Coursing.changing Public Opinion

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  On 18/12/2013 at 20:08, inan said:


  On 18/12/2013 at 19:53, soldier p said:

Its only a few hundred quid in court a weekend on the piss f**k um

The chance of your car and dog being taken,and more bad publicity for all of us. yeah f**k um.



  On 18/12/2013 at 19:53, soldier p said:

Its only a few hundred quid in court a weekend on the piss f**k um

The chance of your car and dog being taken,and more bad publicity for all of us. yeah f**k um.


If a few hundred quid represents just a week end on the piss [,and I can get bonced on £50 of real ale no trouble.] Why not offer it to a farmer for a day out and save all the grief?

Edited by inan
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its all been said before . but for what its worth , ive got an old school mentality, and don't believe in telling everone my doings..   so maybe the gobshites that tell everyone w

If you have permission you cannot be found guilty. The law does not stipulate which breed of dog can be used for ferreting, or for flushing to the falcon, or to the gun, or indeed just rabbiting. It a

Nothing worse than hare shoots witnessed 1 myself idiots beating hares to line of guns just of the A1 it was whjolesale slaughter hares hadn't a chance at leasy they have a sporting chance when course

  On 18/12/2013 at 18:43, pesky1972 said:


  On 14/12/2013 at 18:50, Brewman said:

I don't know on that one but it was in the BBC news about a paralysed pitcher abandoned so when that happens it's a score for the rspca and the antis which obviously is unfortunate but preventable.

That type of thing is never going to help coursing.

The headline on the BBC report was "Lurcher 'left paralysed by hare coursers' walks after specialist surgery". The report also makes statements like " A dog thought to have been left paralysed and abandoned by hare coursers, has walked out of a vet's surgery for a new home." and "It is thought the dog may have been kicked by hare coursers to disable her and hide their tracks". I can't see any evidence in the report that this has anything to do with hare coursing, so what gives? Is this just another example of lazy journalism or is there another agenda? Remember this crap is served up by a public service provider funded by the license fee payer. They/we deserve better than this!


Obviously a ridculously biased report, how would they know in what circumstances the dog was left ? Unfortunately though dogs have been left on coursing fields we all know it happens but thankfully not often.

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  On 18/12/2013 at 23:00, soldier p said:

If ya can't afford it stick to lamping sneaking about in dark but I be on fen sat morn

I'll be out on Sat, as I was today and the day before, , but I will be on permission.

It's not a matter of being able to afford it.

As I said before, if you can afford to blow a few hundred quid in court ,why not pay the farmer?


Seems logical to me , but perhaps I'm missing something?

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  On 18/12/2013 at 23:23, soldier p said:

I do do but lost a lot as has many threw law so why not venture out on no mans land take risk pay price

I'm not criticising those who pinch a run , I was just puzzled if you have dough to throw around, why not approach a farmer? I lost some ground when the ban came in myself.

Its not only the ban that has put the tin-lid on things though.

It has to be said that some have lost permission because of those poaching on their land, and the subsequent publicity the plod and the media give it.


I expect that statement makes me an anti -courser to some.

The usual rejoinder is havent you ever nicked a run? To which I reply,no I never do anything illegal, and if did I would not feel the need to post it on a public forum .Each to his own.

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A lot of lads have no option but to pinch runs, but there as genuine and love the sport as much as anybody, its a shame that they are tarred wi the same brush as those that don't gi a shit and ruin it for everybody else! I get invited out from time to time wi a good set of lads on permission and if I had it my way I'd never poach again, but until then I have to do what I can for my sport what I love! Just a shame the situation is what it is and genuine lads getting the shit that they are!

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  On 19/12/2013 at 00:08, Long slip77 said:

A lot of lads have no option but to pinch runs, but there as genuine and love the sport as much as anybody, its a shame that they are tarred wi the same brush as those that don't gi a shit and ruin it for everybody else! I get invited out from time to time wi a good set of lads on permission and if I had it my way I'd never poach again, but until then I have to do what I can for my sport what I love! Just a shame the situation is what it is and genuine lads getting the shit that they are!

I agree ,I wasn't judging, just stating facts as i see them. My running pal has just lost his best land after 20 years of days out, because of poaching and local news articles about it.

Edited by inan
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  On 19/12/2013 at 08:36, inan said:


  On 19/12/2013 at 00:08, Long slip77 said:

A lot of lads have no option but to pinch runs, but there as genuine and love the sport as much as anybody, its a shame that they are tarred wi the same brush as those that don't gi a shit and ruin it for everybody else! I get invited out from time to time wi a good set of lads on permission and if I had it my way I'd never poach again, but until then I have to do what I can for my sport what I love! Just a shame the situation is what it is and genuine lads getting the shit that they are!

I agree ,I wasn't judging, just stating facts as i see them. My running pal has just lost his best land after 20 years of days out, because of poaching and local news articles about it.


im not trying to blow my own trumpet here, but everywhere i have lived i have always found permision, i moved to this house 8 years ago and now have permission on roughly 75% of the land here, its all down to what you have to offer and your attitude, sorry to say far to many want something for nothing and then get the arse when they don't get it.

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  On 19/12/2013 at 12:25, inan said:


  On 19/12/2013 at 10:00, C Hall said:

If it was left to the CA to stop the ban and fight our cause we would be fcuked.


Oh yer I nearly forgot were fcuked on both counts already :doh:

Do you have an alternative to suggest?



It saddens me to say no I don't :sorry:


You have spoke a lot of sense on this topic :good: but I cannot put any faith in the CA :no:

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  On 19/12/2013 at 14:45, C Hall said:


  On 19/12/2013 at 12:25, inan said:


  On 19/12/2013 at 10:00, C Hall said:

If it was left to the CA to stop the ban and fight our cause we would be fcuked.


Oh yer I nearly forgot were fcuked on both counts already :doh:

Do you have an alternative to suggest?



It saddens me to say no I don't :sorry:


You have spoke a lot of sense on this topic :good: but I cannot put any faith in the CA :no:


Well we work with what we've got .

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When you get vandalism on this scale then there is little chance. Not just that but the landowner is a wealthy conservative politician, no way would there be any support for coursing, silly to even imagine it. The lads that done this beggar belief. Ditto the idiots that tried to knock a farmer down escaping him. Where is the fieldcraft in that. Thing is those idiots dont care about legality or other, thats the problem



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  On 15/12/2013 at 11:17, maxhardcore said:

Hares. Should not be shot end of


Not Guarrenteed to kill outright

Plenty wounded and die slow

With coursing its quick and cut and dry

For best part selective

Best get away and breed on

well said, anyone can apply and get a shotgun and without any training go out and shoot wild animals, wound maim, not right with a dog its dead or gets away ,and I used to shoot, its makes my blood boil ,its about the chase not the kill for me atb BB
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