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Coursing.changing Public Opinion

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its all been said before . but for what its worth , ive got an old school mentality, and don't believe in telling everone my doings..   so maybe the gobshites that tell everyone w

If you have permission you cannot be found guilty. The law does not stipulate which breed of dog can be used for ferreting, or for flushing to the falcon, or to the gun, or indeed just rabbiting. It a

Nothing worse than hare shoots witnessed 1 myself idiots beating hares to line of guns just of the A1 it was whjolesale slaughter hares hadn't a chance at leasy they have a sporting chance when course

  On 14/12/2013 at 21:13, Country Joe said:

Would it have made any difference if the Coursing clubs had muzzled the Greyhounds, heard this subject was brought up at their AGMs but they refused.

I doubt it Joe,if they had offered to chase rags on a string the ignorant souls would still have wanted it banned,the majority of people who lobbied for the ban had little idea of what they were lobbying for.As soon as Hunting was mentioned,thats all the ammo they needed to soothe their ignorance,the price of a college education and being educated beyond their own intelligence.

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Paulus is bang on about the ammo given to them on here, lets just say someone was thinking about taking it up or finding out more about it in general and they visited this site. If they had the misfortune to stumble across some of the more moronic wantonly cruel, not respecting the quarry, its only a dog type posts what do you think they would have concluded about coursing in particular and hunting in general :hmm:If those that put such posts up find themselves waking up one day when all hunting activities are banned and are looking for someone to blame, go in the bathroom and take a real good look in the mirror :yes:

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I think its a money thing as well, not trying to put the lurcher men down or out but any tom d**k or harry can go out an buy a dog an start running rabbits might not be a good dog but there doing it, how many of us can get a shot gun licence an pay to be on these big shoots or own a horse and a pack of hounds? This country will an always will look after the rich an put down the poor in every way, there's nothing more brutal then shooting or wounding an animal its just the type of people the lurcher world brings they don't like, hope I'm not offending anyone just my views

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i was at work the other day, on a farm at boroughbridge, the hunt (foxhounds) had all the cars 4x4s horse trailers and horse boxes parked up for about half a mile along the grass verge on a narrow lane, all the followers were there, the hunt on horseback, more horses, and of course the hounds,


during this some protestors came on foot, (young university types) and started shouting verbal abuse at the hunt,

someone from the hunt phoned the police who arrived about 5 minutes later, lots of police cars and vans and 4x4s, and shortly afterwards the 4 or 5 protestors were taken away in police cars,


this whole thing took place over about half an hour, it was still early morning,


for the rest of the day probably about 9 am till 3 pm, 2 or 3 police officers and a couple of strategically placed police vehicles, stayed and protected the hunt vehicles, whilst the hunt went out and enjoyed a days hunting :whistling::whistling::whistling: i could hear the police officers having friendly chat with some of the hunt people and a bit of laughing and giggling, which i personally found quite nauseating,


one rule for one, and one rule for another now it appears

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  On 15/12/2013 at 08:23, cocker said:

i was at work the other day, on a farm at boroughbridge, the hunt (foxhounds) had all the cars 4x4s horse trailers and horse boxes parked up for about half a mile along the grass verge on a narrow lane, all the followers were there, the hunt on horseback, more horses, and of course the hounds,


during this some protestors came on foot, (young university types) and started shouting verbal abuse at the hunt,

someone from the hunt phoned the police who arrived about 5 minutes later, lots of police cars and vans and 4x4s, and shortly afterwards the 4 or 5 protestors were taken away in police cars,


this whole thing took place over about half an hour, it was still early morning,


for the rest of the day probably about 9 am till 3 pm, 2 or 3 police officers and a couple of strategically placed police vehicles, stayed and protected the hunt vehicles, whilst the hunt went out and enjoyed a days hunting :whistling::whistling::whistling: i could hear the police officers having friendly chat with some of the hunt people and a bit of laughing and giggling, which i personally found quite nauseating,


one rule for one, and one rule for another now it appears

if coursing was still legal, i would like to think that the same protection would have been afforded by the police, however unless it was a large club i just dont think it would ever have happened, the police react to publicity in the same way as politicians, revel in the good stuff and hide from the bad, the problem i have with all this them and us bollocks is, faced with the ban the hunts adapted and continued indeed they are now flourishing, the coursing boys did nothing!! yet 8 years later are now in shock about the fact the hunts are now pretty much left alone and the attention is now on them. maybe a club approach with scent trails or simulation is/was the way to go. it has worked for the hound and beagle packs afterall

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coursing has always been an easy target,surely its understandable why the landowners got the hump,where there was a good amout of hares,there would be problems,newmarket for instance,every week a particular shoot would have undesirables on the place,so that being the tip of the iceberg, the landowners,keepers, and police got together and formed "operation dornier",if you were even seen with a dog it was presumed you were up to no good,signs up everywhere,its the twats who drive the fields and wreck the place that we have to thank for that,organised coursing meetings where easy for the antis to hit because you were there fo the day i remember one year at the waterloo cup, antis everywhere with the police up there arses,if you got caught scraping you were nicked,and even up there lads where trying to run hares 3 days before the meeting, what the feck are they brain damaged,so realisticly we owe them a big pat on the back for being high profile and fcuking it up for others,hunting folk and lurcher men have never mixed,i know old fellas that would,nt even talk about what they do, keep their heads down and still have the craic with a dog, cause no problem to anyone,have their sport and leave,the way i see it less said best mended.

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they are not going to relent, its going to get more and more difficult to work lurchers, were attacked from all sides, police.rspca.landowners.media and even our own sporting publications, what chance have we realistically got. already lost dogs.kit.cars.phones.computers even liberty what next public hangings!!

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  On 15/12/2013 at 09:53, paulus said:

they are not going to relent, its going to get more and more difficult to work lurchers, were attacked from all sides, police.rspca.landowners.media and even our own sporting publications, what chance have we realistically got. already lost dogs.kit.cars.phones.computers even liberty what next public hangings!!


...even our own sporting publications: dead right Paulus. In a recent article in the Countryside Alliance magazine the only mention of lurchers was when the writer said something about poaching: can't remember exactly. I was so angry I threw the mag in the bin immediately. I'll be writing a letter to them!

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  On 15/12/2013 at 09:53, paulus said:

they are not going to relent, its going to get more and more difficult to work lurchers, were attacked from all sides, police.rspca.landowners.media and even our own sporting publications, what chance have we realistically got. already lost dogs.kit.cars.phones.computers even liberty what next public hangings!!


spot on, hunting with dogs was+is never over popular with joe public, and i dont know why but people who hunt with dogs seem to think they had the backing from joe public lol. The bottom line was the Ban, and as ive said before the Ban, they didnt want you on the ground (keepers+farmers) , and certainly not want you on now .Hunting with dogs lurchers,terriers, is fishined and anybody caught lamping or coursing will have the book thrown at them now its a simple as that, we all still try to work our dogs and thats why we have them +breed to work, but as paul said its only going to get worse every year that comes . :yes::yes:

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