jigsaw 11,899 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 (edited) where do I start.......I have a pup here,a patt.7 months old and growing up hes been a fiesty little fecker.always harrasing the older dogs without being overly agressive.well i decided Id quieten his cough,so to speak and took him on safari,lol........goat safari with the little shit and the 223 rifle.as I drove up the farm path,lady luck was on my side.there on the crest of the hill were a small mob of goats,probably 8-10 in number.I hastily drove into the yard,unleashed my dog of death,lol and took the gun from the case,loaded it up and took off for the hills.I had to go up the road and into the fields above the goats so I wouldnt be seen.I made my way across 2 fields and noticed the grass was torn up again by the local resident looking for worms and edible bits and pieces.this is an ongoing matter for many months.I had no idea where he was situated nor did the landowners.anyway,up through the hilly woodland and into the clearing at top.I was starting to get a little breathless now as the age is catching up with me,lol I headed back down and from here on in it was with the stealth of an african elephant I moved,wheezing and blowing hte snots from my nostrils.The terrier was runing here there and everywhere and at this point I was thinking the success of my ''mission'' was in jeopardy due to his wild and uncontrolable ways.Ahead I went and in no time I could see the small few goats browsing,care free and fat as fuk...well it was proper stealth mode I went into and bear grylls hadnt a patch on me,lol as I snook(is that a proper english word?)closer I happened to notice a head looking at me from the side,there was a young nanny wondering what in the bejaysus was this thing creeping along only feet from him.I slowly turned,raised the gun and droped the critter on the deck..........JOB DONE .Then the dog flew into action,with the goat going through its death throes,he latched on to its throat with a vengance that was unbecoming for a 7 monthh old terrier pup.he took hold and shook 7 types of shit out of it........and this continued for at least 10 minutes.While he was doing this I was guting the no so noble beast and it saved me trying to keep the dog from the entrails.I tied up the corpse and started the drag down the hill.Even though it was a short trip the felled trees and branches,protruding rocks and gorse really makes it hard going,but the one other thing that was making it bloody murder was the terrier swinging at the dead beast and pulling in the opposite direction that I was heading...........which I did not appreciate.I was almost all the way down when at last the dog decided to pack it in and he strolled ahead of me and nose to the floor I thought he was hunting the goats path,from which they had earlier come.....he then came to a rather large rock and there under it was a large gap,and he snorted and took a lot of interest in............and then he fukin dissapeared into the darkness.At first,I thought not much of it,shur hes only a babbie,and then I nearly emptied my bowel,for the sound of combat was heard coming from the hole.He was on the game(no not selling his body for money),he had hit the resident in there.I now was in a complete panic.deep breaths I told myself,he'll be out in a minute.I kneeled down and called.......and called.......and called.........and not a budge.I deciced to try source the spot where he was engaged in battle and I found it,clearly he could be heard just under the surface.I grabed a branch and tried to dig but it kept breaking.nothing for it but run to the van and get the shovel and bar and return to get the little shit out pronto.After running over I was breathless,coughing and spiting and I walked as fast as i could back.I returned to find the dog had moved out a few feet more and was still engaged with the resident.I tore into the soil like only an out of breath,over the hill middle aged man could and when I broke through,the dog was just under a gap where 2 rocks met and I had no way of getting my hands on him.So I got a brainwave(sore experience).I pushed the shovel head between the dog and the resident and that was him blocked from physical contact with the quarry.I went then to the entrance of the spot and called like I never called before,swearing my undying love for the little b*****d and swearing I wouldnt kill him stone dead when he came out,after 15 minutes roughly the dogs head appeared but tried to turn and go for round two,but I caught the little bollix before he could.I draged him out and kept my promise.........I didnt kill the fukka stone dead on the spot.So I dragged the goat,strapped the gun and carried the dog the rest of the way down.I got back to the van exhausted,but quiet pleased with myself. Now,since this episode,the little shit has a new out look in life.Hes determined to attack anything with four legs.I left him out of his kennel to clean it and he latched on to my new russel bitch like a pit bull,the little b*****d,so now hes on the lead for the next 8 months and will be entered appropriately to his job when the time comes.Hes a handful but Im ok to deal with it when hes shown he just might be worth keeping....heres a few snaps of the horrid little blighter http://rs787.pbsrc.com/albums/yy156/crystalchaser/Mobile%20Uploads/2013-12-08101917_zps225d7c3f.jpg~320x480 http://rs787.pbsrc.com/albums/yy156/crystalchaser/Mobile%20Uploads/1386497957840_zps9554a541.jpg~320x480 heres the bugger as a young un,butter wouldnt melt in his mouth http://rs787.pbsrc.com/albums/yy156/crystalchaser/IMG_5924_zps4f41c935.jpg~320x480 http://rs787.pbsrc.com/albums/yy156/crystalchaser/IMG_5921_zps17e76390.jpg~320x480 Edited December 14, 2013 by jigsaw 15 Quote Link to post
fireman 11,021 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 A cracking and very funny thread Jigsaw . 1 Quote Link to post
jawn 449 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 :laugh: Great read...he sounds like a handful. Quote Link to post
marshman 7,758 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 I enjoyed that ?. Quote Link to post
staffs riffraff 1,068 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Great start for the little tyke mate Quote Link to post
seang 163 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Hahaa got a good laugh at that good write up and liam any bowel movement at ur age is a good sign.....snook lol 1 Quote Link to post
jimmys shop 182 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Very good read ,you wrote it as you done it ,and threw in the laughs , pup sounds a good,un to come on ,I'm sure you,ll ave more episodes with him . Quote Link to post
CorkyJohn 808 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Nice one jigsaw, hope he's not too much bother before its time for him to graft lol Quote Link to post
jigsaw 11,899 Posted December 14, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 corkyjohn,i raised 3 kids,im capable of anything after that,lol...its one thing going to ground,its another staying in ground till the jobs done.All will be revealed next season,cant wait. 3 Quote Link to post
liamdelaney 2,587 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Good write up Liam,i think he will make the grade. Quote Link to post
Rebel 838 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Great write up Liam, sounds like he will be keeping you on your toes, lol. Quote Link to post
smasher 1,055 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Nice little read that,beats the hell out of the usual dribble that's on here,well done man and dog.good clean post,pity there weren't more like it Quote Link to post
sp.w 42 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Sounds like a keeper that dog.. Quote Link to post
patterdale666 1,620 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 Crackin read liam i enjoyed that Pup sounds a right one ill take him Quote Link to post
carl fell terrier 53 Posted December 14, 2013 Report Share Posted December 14, 2013 the best right up on hear in a long long time. Quote Link to post
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