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You can only show a bird when the shows on


In other words hes got to take his chances with the judge...... 8 monthes would make him mid April hatched

Depending on your line and how quick maturing it is I would try and get them off earlier or show stags later

... if you're showing against birds that have hatchedvin February they will be far more advanced even though its only a few weeks .

at the end of the day it's only a show and one mans opinion .....

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my friend a stag ore cock will tell you when there ready as I call it they will talk to you and let you know they are the boys not you ,some will mature sooner than others depends on the line but the more you handle them the quicker they will mature its all about making them feared of nothing play music in your holding pens get them used to other surroundings and animals , nothing worst than a bird that as not bean handled on show day so my friend handle and talk to your feathered friends as much as you can and see the difference good look hope you win first prize

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Some strains mature quicker than others and while I agree with some of the above advice handling can give confidence in a bird but only time can give maturity. Also try not to give in to whims and fashions, as Duckwing has said a show is basically one mans opinion and as long as your happy with what you have regardless of any cards or rosettes the best birds in the show are the ones you are taking home :thumbs:

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