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Boring Work

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So who has the most boring jobs got my self a new job this week and I have never being so bored and tired at work doing nothing in my life sat in a tractor right now waiting for my trailer too fill up its takes 45 mins too fill and I've got too take it 500 meters down the road and come back and wait that's not including the 3 hours waiting when the plant breaks down so who else has got the most boring job and what did use do too break the day up

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had a few temp jobs in my younger days ----the worst was at thorn lighting on the night shift packing light bulbs into boxes the floor manager stood over you with a pocket/stop watch thank fook it was only for 4 week needs must it paid some bills one woman Brenda on the shift was quick as fook at it she`d be 250 up on me before the end of the shift we used to pack them into small boxes then into big ones every 50 she used to go nuts if her big boxes where slow coming she used to have jam sarnies and jelly babies she said it gave her energy she worked as a school dinner lady in the daytime aswell and she`d been packing lightbulbs for 15 year :yes:..

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Packing nappies into boxes at the end of a nappy machine,we used to have agency staff do the packing ,but if they didn't turn up.....the machine made 850 nappies a minute :icon_eek: drop one bollock you got a back log, :laugh: ,amongst others our agency staff included a guy who was an actor,no fecker believed him until he left and went on Emmerdale,tall blond lad don't know his name,since been in the Bill and loads of others,and then there was a muslim fella called Mohamed,one of those beard of bees type beards :laugh: and a skullcap,he came running up to me on the machine one night shedding tears of joy....his mum had just rang him to tell him they had found him a wife and he was getting married in a few weeks :icon_eek: Just realised I went of on a tangent :laugh: ....I had a boring job packing nappies :yes::thumbs:

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Most work is just dull full stop..........unless you're lucky enough to do something you love.......never been my case...

I've got mates who pull over 100k & bored out of their minds....

My worst was a potato harvester.

Edited by Accip74
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i use to work in a pie factory on production line doing between 9-13 hrs a day stuck it for 9yrs only cause it was good crack with lads and lasses .and now ive gone back to when i left school and that a spray polisher .i did it 4years at first and now ive been at same spot 11 years.its ok at times

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I have worked on a maggot farm for the best part of 17 years and our chiken driver packed in in the summer so I have got his job ..

believe me hand balling 3 1/2 tonne everyday gets boring and it stinks like you wouldn't believe.. :bad: :bad:

but its a job so cant grumble..

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Night security at a (deserted) shopping centre - that was pretty lacklustre, but my worst was at a plastic bottle manufacturer's. Stood at the end of the line, putting plastic bottles onto cardboard trays.fill the tray, put another on top, fill the tray, put another on top..........................................4 days on, 3 days off,12 f***ing hours at a time! :shok:


The highlight of the shift was finishing an order and changing to a different bottle !


God alone knows how I stuck it for 3 months.....................

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Nearly all of my jobs have been utter shite but the worst was packing packets of crisps into boxes and squeezing each bag to check they weren't burst :blink: 12 hour shifts as well.


The straw that broke the camels back was being taken from my box packing job and left on a series of massive silos with each individual flavour bag coming down. No one told me how to stop them, how to shift the bags down the hatch quicker or anything....just told to "watch these"....so i did...but eventually i noticed them building up so tried my best to push them down quicker but it wasn't working :laugh: ...the bloke came back about an hour later and there was me running about like a blue arsed fly trying to push the bags down and crisp packets all over the shop, crisps on the floor where i'd stood on packets, a right cock on...FFS :laugh:

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