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Old Skool Dance, Rave....

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they were good raves them gaffer,i always stayed local but fancied going to Helter Skelter and united dance,they were some good raves back in bridlington called phenomena they held them at Leisureworld in 92.


think i still got some dizztruction tapes at me mums and skelter packs

I they want bad warehouse at doni was good that was when the rave finished you went to the 2nd rave out of the house 2days don't think I could manage one now lol there was one at skegie can't remember what it was called though my memory ait what it was before the rave days and am only 32 lol I was still going to school when I started some good memories
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Classic tunes on here and everyone loving it off the heads on Doves and dennis the menace pills.not like todays lot sat playing on candy crush in clubs ect   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRU0YO83

I went there a fair bit during the early 90's,,, some nights they would have different promotions,,, and have more rooms open,,, a lot of the time it would close at 2 am,,, so the car park in Skegness would fill up,, and we would all be there,, car boots open and everybody facing round,,,cops would just drive through every now and then,,,, I think they were glad we were all just in one place Harming no one...


I have quite a few pics,, from different raves,, even some from that car park,,,, good job I got no idea how to scan them,,, lol

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I went there a fair bit during the early 90's,,, some nights they would have different promotions,,, and have more rooms open,,, a lot of the time it would close at 2 am,,, so the car park in Skegness would fill up,, and we would all be there,, car boots open and everybody facing round,,,cops would just drive through every now and then,,,, I think they were glad we were all just in one place Harming no one...

I have quite a few pics,, from different raves,, even some from that car park,,,, good job I got no idea how to scan them,,, lol

take a pic of them and post them lets see the bad hair doos from the 90's lol
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I can't mate,,, folk see me on here as this overweight,,old fella,,,,, now if I. Put my old pics on with tight t shits,,, and sometimes no shirt,,,,, well,, I couldn't handle the attention,, from the women on the site,, or the men come to that,,,lol

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every area had there own best club in Leeds we had the Gallery and below that a club called Rickys that was about late 80s till early 90s no place like them now its all about how you look and dress take yer top of now in a club people think WTF!!


88-93 great time period you had the madchester scene then into acid and rave stuff.


Im a big fan of the Zone stuff from blackpool Jenks bar Shaboo all the early Italian piano house cant beat it.


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every area had there own best club in Leeds we had the Gallery and below that a club called Rickys that was about late 80s till early 90s no place like them now its all about how you look and dress take yer top of now in a club people think WTF!!


88-93 great time period you had the madchester scene then into acid and rave stuff.


Im a big fan of the Zone stuff from blackpool Jenks bar Shaboo all the early Italian piano house cant beat it.



MC D.M .O all alive the gallery crew the year is 1992!!!!

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Back in those days it was all tapes, the savvy DJ's would record their set and you could buy it afterwards, Manchester was several months ahead of us in the east, my mate used to bring me tapes over and they were very popular amongst our little crowd. Wish I knew where they'd all gone, had one called 'Club 4 megamix' that must have been copied hundreds of times, wish I could find it. Happy days and now all well in the past.

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I liked Leeds billy wiz,,, went to a few good nights out up there,,,but I'm fecked if I can remember the name of a single club ,,or even what the promotion was called,,, last time I was there was around 2000,, went to a daytime thing on Sunday,,,,


I suppose it could have been sundisential,,,,,, feck knows to be honest

a old haunt of mine is Casa Locos it was on Lady lane got shut down and had a asbo put on it lol was brilliant small and low roof didnt sell beer was music and drugs last of the best.played speed garage and house classic before it turned into bassline stuff.


never went to niche went to the boiler house tho in bradfrod.

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The Warehouse was always over-rated IMO, I didn't like the bouncers either, they thought they were gangsta's! Ricky's AKA Gallery was where we'd head for after a few beers on the way in student land. The Uni held SOAK and KAOS nights and suddenly it became 'en vogue' to produce arty and expensive fliers, in fact, in my youth i printed a few flyers for those nights.

Then there was the Chocolate Factory, later re-named the Music Factory, a proper poncey spot full to the gills with posers, but that's the direction everything went in. By 1993 the novelty had worn off and everything had gone too 'mainstream'.

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