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There's no law that states air rifles can only be used on pest/ vermin species. So just because something isn't on the general licence that doesn't exclude it from being a legitimate air rifle quarry.

Shooting Wildfowl with lead "shot" is not allowed, this does not apply to single projectiles.

cant see why not, if you can kill a rabbit then a duck cant be any tougher, they dont have kevlar skulls



British shooting and country land management organisations have come together to launch a campaign to remind individuals to comply with the law on the use of lead shot. In England, it has been illegal to use lead shot over all foreshore, specified Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and for the shooting of all wildfowl wherever they occur, since 1999; and in Wales since 2004. In Scotland and Northern Ireland it is illegal to use lead shot over wetlands. Supporters can sign their support for this compliance campaign - visit the dedicated website here.

Although compliance is strong around the coast where wildfowling clubs regulate their members, evidence from other studies suggests regular non-compliance by some inland duck shoots in England and Wales. Organisations, which include the British Association for Shooting and Conservation, the Country Land and Business Association, the Countryside Alliance, the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, the Moorland Association, the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation and the Union of Country Sports Workers, are concerned that this might encourage moves towards further restrictions on the use of lead shot. The campaign is therefore being run to remind all those that who shoot of their responsibilities before the duck and goose shooting season.

Barney White-Spunner, executive chairman of the Countryside Alliance said “The improper use of lead shot should not be tolerated, and compliance with current legislation is essential if there are not to be further restrictions on the use of lead shot for shooting game in the United Kingdom”.

BASC chief executive Richard Ali said: “Everyone who shoots has a responsibility to obey the law. This is especially important for shoot owners, managers and keepers to bear in mind when they organise duck shooting.”

Click here to read the agreed joint statement on this issue, which will appear in the Countryside Alliance's summer 2013 magazine, out in mid-June.

The dedicated website is http://leadshotcampaign.org.uk/

Edited by secretagentmole
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I used to knock over a few as a kid with a sub 12ft/lbs air rifle. Have not shot duck for a while, must admit I miss it and the roasts that happen as a result. I was always told that if you shoot one make sure you should get the pair as they pine for a long time, I dont know if this is true but I just stuck with that. Photo taken maybe 20 years ago, some of you air rifle boffs will recognise what type of air rifle, I cant for the life of me remember, but I used to prefer open sights



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The Environmental Protection (Restriction on Use of Lead Shot) (England) Regulations 1999

Prohibition on use of cartridges containing lead shot
regulation 3. No person shall use lead shot for the purpose of shooting with a shot gun–


on or over any area below high-water mark of ordinary spring tides;


on or over any site of special scientific interest included in Schedule 1 to these Regulations; or


any wild bird included in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.

no mention of air rifles as far as I can see.

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Stolen from BASC website tonight.............

Live quarry shooting

Many people shoot live quarry, either on their own land or where they have permission. The species which you can shoot are limited by the law and by the effective power of an air rifle.

All birds are protected, and although there are seasons when you can legally shoot game, and some wildfowl, they are not suitable quarry for air rifles. However, as long as you are complying with firearms law, you can shoot certain pest bird species. These are covered by general licences which, in simple terms, mean you can shoot the birds listed, provided you have the landowner’s permission and provided you are doing it for one of the reasons allowed by the licence.

Yes, you can legally shoot ducks with an air rifle but the BASC do not think they are suitable quarry. :hmm:

Edited by Deker
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they state as above, the law and the effective power of air rifle. ducks are in season and I have permission that's the law and I know all my rifles are effective or I wouldn't be pulling the trigger.
ducks are the main pest now on my permission but they dam tasty.

Edited by treecreeper
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