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Another Potential Tragedy.

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Pointer cross my backside. Another big dog, temperament unknown placed in some unsuspecting home possibly with children.

Re-homing staff should be made criminally resposible when rehomed dogs turn out to be biters.







Sorry, it's 'Cathy the pointer cross' I'm on about.

Edited by jukel123
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Saw that the earlier on another site. Contemplated asking why this description of a bull breed x, but we all can guess why. It's becoming more common with rescues that are overflowing with bull breeds

Edited by trenchfoot
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Rescues/rehoming charities are overflowing with bull breeds and crosses but its wrong to advertise a dog incorrectly for any reason.................that's were things start going wrong. Also, what is the homing policy of this particular organisation, how many visits do the new owners need to make before they adopt. It all comes down to transparency, as said on a few posts above though, nice looking dog this one. Also the individual dog owner needs to accept responsibility, some have and I am sure will again rehome a dog, knowing it has "issues" and not say a thing when they hand a dog over...........................................the reason is that not many rehoming centres will knowingly take on an aggressive dog and if they did, it would never see a normal family home. Rather than pass on a dog that they cant keep because its aggressive, the owners should accept responsibility, if they can handle it, know there stuff and can ensure safety, keep the dog yourself, if you cant, do not off load it off to spend the rest of its life in a kennel, or bouncing from one home to another, its just not fair on people............or the dog come to that. :thumbs:

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My uncle had similar when he got his 'whippet x shi tzu' pup from a rescue.


Turned out to be either a bull x or something that looked and acted exactly the same as one,then they act surprised when its a year old and it gets given back because they can't handle it.

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  On 13/12/2013 at 10:13, Moll. said:

"Another Potential Tragedy."


Sounds just like the media.

True though.


If an old lady thought they were buying a KC bred lap dog to lie by the fire and go for a stroll round the block twice a day,and I gave them a working malinois pup,i'd bet it wouldn't end happily.


And like was said anyone takes this on thinking it actually is a collie x pointer,isn't going to be very knowledgable about dogs.

Edited by neems
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  On 13/12/2013 at 10:13, Moll. said:

"Another Potential Tragedy."


Sounds just like the media.

Not looking for an argument. Not dissing bull breeds. Just think ia lot of unsuspecting/innocent people get landed with big dogs whose temperament is not fully assessed. This particular dog fall foul of the trades description act.lol

As a result terrible shit happens-




Rehoming kennels need to be a lot more responsible/cautious.

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  On 13/12/2013 at 11:22, Ideation said:

You do realise however, that if they out the correct description that dog would probably be pts under the dda.

Better that though than the dog 'potentially' ripping into some toddler when it's new owner hasn't got a clue and can't control the f****r. Not saying it would happen, but a lot of people haven't got a clue about dogs in general, especially how quickly any dog can go 'into' one in a split second, and with any powerful type of dog the resulting damage is going to be bad.

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  On 13/12/2013 at 11:40, shaaark said:


  On 13/12/2013 at 11:22, Ideation said:

You do realise however, that if they out the correct description that dog would probably be pts under the dda.

Better that though than the dog 'potentially' ripping into some toddler when it's new owner hasn't got a clue and can't control the f****r. Not saying it would happen, but a lot of people haven't got a clue about dogs in general, especially how quickly any dog can go 'into' one in a split second, and with any powerful type of dog the resulting damage is going to be bad.


A neighbour of mine invited us in to see their new baby. She was gibbbering about her GSD 'guarding' the baby. Sure enough it was pacing around the pram looking alert. I put 2 and 2 together and said the dog was attracted by the very exciting smell of milky poo in the baby's nappy. She changed the nappy and went to put it in the bin. The dog followed her drooling like feck.

She was so disgusted she put the dog in the shed.


A lot of people have seen too many Littlest Hobo and Lassie films and think dogs are capable of advanced thought.

Those in the know never leave their dogs unsupervised around children. :thumbs:

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