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Threads Not Making The Grade

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Hi been on this site a while and enjoy reading about people's days and nights out and the difference of opinions always keeps me amused so recently thought I'd write a few threads myself and give a little back but the last 2 threads I've wrote don't seem to be coming on the first one was about a night out I had with pics and story if that's been pulled because of a picture then fair play but what about the thread hunting on horseback is there a reason for this

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Hi been on this site a while and enjoy reading about people's days and nights out and the difference of opinions always keeps me amused so recently thought I'd write a few threads myself and give a little back but the last 2 threads I've wrote don't seem to be coming on the first one was about a night out I had with pics and story if that's been pulled because of a picture then fair play but what about the thread hunting on horseback is there a reason for this

you posted it in the working dog section when infact it is discusion so i moved it into the correct section

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