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Soldiers Protest....

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6 lads i grew up with ended up in the yorkshire regiment. 2nd batallion at blackpool, but the 2nd batallion (green howards) got disbanded and now they're getting scattered into different battalions. so theres a bit of tension there, upset they've been disbanded, and split up and thrown all over, obviously an adjustment period. But i know for a fact that they dont deal with things like this.


An officer at 2 yorks a couple of year back apparently over the course of about 6 months to a year lost the hearts and minds of pretty much everyone. got a bit of a mutiny of his own in the field, and sharp put a transfer in. Doing something like this, in front of so many people is only going to get you one thing, an thats an example made of.

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It's f***ing cringeworthy on behalf of the guys doing it,


as a soldier, especially a jnco it falls on you to shape and create the men around and beneath you into your own image, you interperate orders from above into a feasible reality, the fact that the officer and sgt are disliked etc is by the wayside,


Buckshee officers don't run the platoon , the seniors do, one sgt should not be having an effect on morale enough to instigate a mutiny, it's childish and unheard of, a sgt doesn't really have a job, they are little more than the guy who sorts out courses and oversees the full screws, or should be anyway,the colour or staffie runs the troop, full stop. And if they are having too much of a say the screws should be man enough to chin them off


the fact they were on the piss is completely irrelevant as seniors / officers attend far more functions than the regular joe crow will due to the nature of their respective messes etc and it looks like that very much in this Instance


In this day and age of 2020 cutbacks they must have had a head full of broken biscuits to carry out such a stunt , a sign again of blokes acting outside of their remit and becoming legends in their own restroom

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I don't know what you mean the sergeant doesn't have a job.


He's the real boss of the platoon,and if this officer was as bad as they say I think one of the sergeants would have 'had a word'.


It would t surprise me if these problems had been sorted out,but they're not exactly going to punish a senior NCO and an officer in front of all the lads are they?


It's a shame that lad got kicked out.

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There will no doubt be appropriate channels and complaints procedures that they should of followed.......in what reality did they think they would get away with that?

Even if they had felt that their concerns were being ignored sometimes you have to put up and shut up and eventually the world will turn.

And there's always the good old fashioned punch in the mouth if they were that concerned......would have probably got off lighter.


old school that mate,see many a greviance sorted this way in the old days certainly better than being up on a charge although not so sure todays army would fit in with these methods,cant see for a minute them getting away with it,never happen cheers
My cousin got busted right down from full corporal and sent to the glass house for twatting his RSM, nearly got kicked out. The reason he didn't was because he was sticking up for the lads under him and the RSM wasn't doing his job properly with regards to the welfare of the lads under him..
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Utter tripe, lads should be ashamed of themselves.


That said this Army is going down the shitter, pension smashed, morale smashed etc etc.


But we still carry on regardless, take the shit and crack on. Even if the boss is a dick you just have to deal with it.


If you don't like it sign on to JPA and do the three clicks to freedom.

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