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biggest factor on lamping condition.

Guest world.hunters

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wind is most important, you can get good bags on moony nights with a good wind . far better than a pitch black night with no wind.



as for rain torenchal is a waste of time.


anther good time , but this is very rare. is when the temp lifts to 9 - 10 degrees in the middle of winter after a very cold patch and is windy at the same time.


like i say these conditions are like rocking horse shit

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for rabbits i think too with darkness rain and wind for rabbits

with joe ox too as i have had plenty of luck with foxes with

no wind at all and have seen foxes try downwind me and

then come closer for a luck.

i will lamp any night that suits and have enjoyed myself

too when condititions dont suit maybe not as much but

its still a bit of crack .


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Got to agree 100% with TOMO.

Having had to lamp in years past all year round as it was the only way i could earn a living the only nights we wouldnt go out was when you get that silver look to the grass as the temprature drops and what you say mate is bang on ive had good results all year round but when its gonna freeze them shushies dont like leaving their warrens much better to go night ferreting.

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Those nights that blow your house roof tiles off, with a light rain mixed in are the best IMO.


There's usually a couple of nights like that in early October while this years rabbits are still green and unlamped which are extra-productive. High populations over stubble or longer grass also will add to your success rate, they sure can shift across short cropped turf on a golf course!!


Forget nights with little wind, especially with a heavy dew or long hard rain - the rabbits don't like getting their bellies wet if they can help it.


Dark is good but as said above, if there's a little moonlight showing I have still caught rabbits - you just need to use a bit of fieldcraft to get close or they'll see you first!!



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