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Opinions On Pros/cons Of Bull X

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Sorry to put another bull cross topic up but I've read many bull topics and have ended up with more questions than answers so here goes pros and cons to the bull cross please. I have my first lurcher pup who is bull/whip X colly/grey he is 7 months and 20"tts I will chuck up a pic at the end I have a bull X because I like the bull type and my girlfriend has a soft spot for them I have put many many hours of training lamping ,retrieving jumping all the normal sit stay stuff in anticipation for his first catch I would not change him for the world but I would like to know what I'm letting myself in for I've herd many things most negative slow, bad feet , pointless X post ban and hard mouthed are these true or just myth ?

Pics of the pup






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stop worrying about it. I'm guessing your not a for profit hunter/pest controller. And probably not starving and desperately need to game it catches for food. Just get out and enjoy training and worki

Most people on here talk shite about bull x's, they're as good as any other x and a hell of a lot better at some stuff.....the type of stuff that would have most x's howling like a f***ing saluki!!

A lot of saluki's will do what any bull'x can! Just that a saluki does not need a lift round the fields in a 4x4 all night!!

  On 09/12/2013 at 22:31, Kemperz21 said:

So it sounds like most of the bad things are down to training can someone explain bad feet please I am a relative newbie to the sport well owning/training of a running dog cheers


yeh very easy regards feet, greyhounds are+were bred for running round a track on sand, only coursing greys bred for field, but most greys today are from for the track, for speed+speed, so feet not over important thing with the breed.Pits were bred for power,stamina,agilty,fighting in a pit , both breeds were never bred to run on rough ground at 30-40 mph chasing quarry, so you not going to get on average a dog with good feet , unless you got other breeds in the make up saluki,or collie both have good feet. :yes:

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  On 09/12/2013 at 22:11, Kemperz21 said:

Sorry to put another bull cross topic up but I've read many bull topics and have ended up with more questions than answers so here goes pros and cons to the bull cross please. I have my first lurcher pup who is bull/whip X colly/grey he is 7 months and 20"tts I will chuck up a pic at the end I have a bull X because I like the bull type and my girlfriend has a soft spot for them I have put many many hours of training lamping ,retrieving jumping all the normal sit stay stuff in anticipation for his first catch I would not change him for the world but I would like to know what I'm letting myself in for I've herd many things most negative slow, bad feet , pointless X post ban and hard mouthed are these true or just myth ?

Pics of the pup







That's a right bonny pup :thumbs:


He's only 25% bull so dont worry about the threads on here, i think most of them are about a bigger % bull. With his cross, feet should not be a problem.

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Ive just put some photos of my bitch on another thread. If you take a look you will see shes got a fair amount of bull.in her and shes a heavy bitch. Shes slightly cow hocked but her feet are near on perfect and I run some hard ground! She will also kill what she was bred for one night and then the next she retrieves rabbits alive to hand. So no not all are hard mouthed unless they have to be!

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  On 11/12/2013 at 21:01, j1985 said:

Most people on here talk shite about bull x's, they're as good as any other x and a hell of a lot better at some stuff.....the type of stuff that would have most x's howling like a f*****g saluki!!

From my limited knowledge it would seem that most bull x owners are passionate about them and will defend them to the bitter end. That must mean something.


PMSL @ howling like a f***ing saluki!

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  On 11/12/2013 at 21:01, j1985 said:

Most people on here talk shite about bull x's, they're as good as any other x and a hell of a lot better at some stuff.....the type of stuff that would have most x's howling like a f*****g saluki!!

A lot of saluki's will do what any bull'x can! Just that a saluki does not need a lift round the fields in a 4x4 all night!!

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