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Future Breeding

Guest foxpack

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Guest foxpack

after much thought we are planning a litter of bushers nxt year ,,the plan will be beaglexrussell x beagle xcocker .basically they will be half beagle,1/4 terrier 1/4 cocker.we have put all these dogs to some serious work and they have found in all terrain,they have really excelled as a great bushing team and work really well together ,which ever dog finds first and gives mouth the rest will pack in together and push hard ,i have seen foxes come out of cover showing the whites of there eyes because there pushed that hard,we have gained more and more permission and could do with a couple more for our team,these should be the dogs bolloxs,,lol








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Good advert for selling spare pups but keep the text real,hunted foxes all my life and never seen one hurried,rushed,pushed to the point that they showed "the whites of their eyes",lol's,seen them chased through farmyards with a pack of hounds behind them and still stop to kill a hen,keep it real,you don't have to exagerate as they look nice dogs and will certainly do the business,a fox is the "king of cool" even when closely followed or bushed,atb,WM

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Good advert for selling spare pups but keep the text real,hunted foxes all my life and never seen one hurried,rushed,pushed to the point that they showed "the whites of their eyes",lol's,seen them chased through farmyards with a pack of hounds behind them and still stop to kill a hen,keep it real,you don't have to exagerate as they look nice dogs and will certainly do the business,a fox is the "king of cool" even when closely followed or bushed,atb,WM

I love a realist fair play mate. seen a fox yesterday under serious pressure from full pack of hounds and nearly ran into us standing there watching hounds he just turned up thru cover and took hounds around for few more mins before going to ground. cool as ice the fuckers.

Edited by turkish
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Guest foxpack

Good advert for selling spare pups but keep the text real,hunted foxes all my life and never seen one hurried,rushed,pushed to the point that they showed "the whites of their eyes",lol's,seen them chased through farmyards with a pack of hounds behind them and still stop to kill a hen,keep it real,you don't have to exagerate as they look nice dogs and will certainly do the business,a fox is the "king of cool" even when closely followed or bushed,atb,WM

i,ve hunted foxes all my life to mate,but we do small woods ,whin patches ,marshes etc,and yes foxes have sneeked about inside the cover ,but when they get on and are rushing through cover the foxs are coming out at a fair pace tht is all i ment ,and it is no advertisment ,because most will be keeped our selves ,just thought i would share my ideas etc. :thumbs:

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Defo like the look of your little pack mate but the percentages on paper doesn't always tally up with what you get. They're crossbreds so could throw towards any of the different breeding in them. Good luck with them, be good to hear updates on their progress

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  • 1 month later...
Guest foxpack

he is a bit big for low cover ,for my liking ,my other dog which is the 3/4 terrier 1/4 hound mix is the better rabbiter to be honest,,the white 1 can find etc just he struggles to go thick low cover,

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