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Public Hangings

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was just make me think after reeding the other freds about confenscation and police brutality etc and taking dogs off people and police brutality, and big fines and prosecutions and police brutality do ypo think they ever might fech back public excutions for poaching ofences, be weird wouldn't it lol


ps mery xmass to my frends banter and cheeser, cos ime tinkling of going on my hold to the big house over chromes period cos ime freezing in me owl caravan its rubbish merry chrismas an apply new yeeer everyone all the best see your in jareary

Edited by jerry attrick
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was just make me think after reeding the other freds about confenscation and police brutality etc and taking dogs off people and police brutality, and big fines and prosecutions and police brutality do ypo think they ever might fech back public excutions for poaching ofences, be weird wouldn't it lol


ps mery xmass to my frends banter and cheeser, cos ime tinkling of going on my hold to the big house over chromes period cos ime freezing in me owl caravan its rubbish merry chrismas an apply new yeeer everyone all the best see your in jareary

look what the gales blew in my friend where u bin Edited by cheeser
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was just make me think after reeding the other freds about confenscation and police brutality etc and taking dogs off people and police brutality, and big fines and prosecutions and police brutality do ypo think they ever might fech back public excutions for poaching ofences, be weird wouldn't it lol


ps mery xmass to my frends banter and cheeser, cos ime tinkling of going on my hold to the big house over chromes period cos ime freezing in me owl caravan its rubbish merry chrismas an apply new yeeer everyone all the best see your in jareary

might aswell bring the hanging in gerry sure there already crucifying them lol
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sometimes you dog got to be patient some time you dog got to be attacking, someimtes you dog got to be steady and sometimes all hell and no notions good if ye got a dog wi brains to do all this on his own, if they bring back public ecutions then my dogs got brains so he will be worried cos they used to cut lurchers and greyhounds so that they couldn't chase stuff, they used to do stuff like that to cripple the dogs so they couldn't run, they used to set man traps to catch people they used to exciute people by public hangings they used to send preple to ostralian country never coming back people died on the way to aouaustrilain country just cos they poached or took apples from o archard or maybe steal bread cos they starving


happy crihstmas all

Edited by jerry attrick
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