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Mandela Dies

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RIP,The man stood for what he believed


I just can't bare the thought of the next couple of weeks where every liberal tosser for the last 30 years will be wheeled out of obscurity to jump on the we miss Mandela bandwagon crying and hugging

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Why did you leave matey if you don't mind me asking? No need for a pm this time.


Bacause I didnt want to bring up my children in Joburg, and I was going to have to move there because of work.


He must be a great leader lol the state the place is in.highest murder rate in the world rape considered normal aids everywere ffs.oh and them 1s on the tv every night mooching money.your welcome to him.

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Trust old bob the cock suckers husband never misses an oppotunity For self pontification Another two faced twat Am irish he once said then took the posthumous. Knighthood lol. There nowt as queer as folk


i f*****g wish it was given to him posthumously...c**t

. Lol yeh wrong terminology. HONERY Nowt. Honourable about that twat Edited by gonetoearth
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Lots on people of here sounds really keep there mouth shut. There seem to be alot of opions I hope all though people have actually lived in South Africa so know exactly what they are talking about and not relying on what they have read in the media.

I come from South Africa and it is a very sad day.


Well it may be but perhaps they could keep the "dreadfull" news in south Africa, this is England, so what the f-ck has it got to do with us?

As much as I dislike Mandela............this is a ridiculous statement........are you suggesting it would be better if we never heard about anything outside of the uk? Lol

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As THL's official obituary guy :laugh: I'll give you some funeral guests : Obama and missus, Dodgy Dai Cameron, Bill Clinton, prince Charles, Oprah and who guessed it, Bono :angel:



Goodness me do you really think Tony and Cheri would miss this for the world?

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