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Fox Control !

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Females can weigh up to 6kg and they're over a metre tall. They are often in groups of 3 or 4 when I see them


Edit: Google says they have the biggest wingspan out of any eagle too. They're a huge bird and a true sight to see.

there primarily a scavenger that's why so many are killed on roads

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australia has no native vultures so wedge tailed eagles have filled that void, they primarily feed on carrion but are opportunistic like most predators and will take an easy meal when the opportunity arrises, dead and dying livestock, unattended newborns etc.

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£175 which i know is a bit more expensive but i am very fussy with things like this there more shite one than good ones out there so i took it to a bloke in manchester who has won world championships in taxidermy he does everything and does a real good job his name is dave hollingworth and his website is www.penninetaxidermy.com

you should have a look through his stuff if u get a spare 10 mins

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Funny though, that if you did that to a fox in the U.K it would be perfectly legal. . . . as it's not cruel to kill them with a bird, like it is a dog. . . . :blink:


Photo shopped Jai.....no one died..... :laugh::laugh::laugh:



Aye, I know that mate. . . . but folk do have a go at it. I met a guy up your way with some eagles, who was doing it around the lammermuir hills. Hares to.



i know bloke on here m/h, who goes over to Germany and hunts fox + deer with Golden Eagles, i think not sure its the females he uses on them. But didnt know they use them in the UK, as thought i read somwhere that alot of farmers were oppose to them used for hunting here, because of killing sheep and got the Government backing maybe iam wrong Jai .?

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