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Irish/english Bred Saluki Lurcher Vs Arab Bred Dog Whats The Better Dog?

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english bred saluki yorkshire bred gyr trained and hunted in yorkshire

english bred pure kc registered smooth saluki bred by paul sagar, he's 9 years old now with 7 good hunting seasons under his belt his dam was Rabbaa Jarbou,owned by paul sagar, she was a smooth Griz

if there is a will there is a way. The arguments which are better Coo,s or uk and x breds is irrelevant people should utalise and try to improve on what they have. The impression that Coos are slower

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Arab are better obvs a gazelle is fast than a hare

Different kind of running mate , the hare is a fast and course full of twists and turns the dogs get on as quick as they can, Gazelle is more of a distance run and wear the quarry down that is where a good dog adjusts its running style to suit the terrain ,the quarry and the climate.. The major difference is that most of the Coo,s run to earn thier keep so do it as a job.

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