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Irish/english Bred Saluki Lurcher Vs Arab Bred Dog Whats The Better Dog?

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I seen her run with pete on the flat land of Boston. She was a trier but about 1 out of 10 and we went home more times without her killing. To improve the saluki which you and your mates are saying you trying to do you have to be honest with people but even more so with yourself. Desertbred say middle eastern saluki or coo hounds owners always breed best to best and only gift them to close and trusted friends. I think that's the way you snd your mates should go if your really serious about the saluki. But I think personal reward out weighs the strive to better the blood of the pure saluki. By the way pups look in fantastic condition. One last query you saying a saluki can do most jobs on all type ofquarry id say to that a 3 yr old child can draw but they aint no da vinci

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english bred saluki yorkshire bred gyr trained and hunted in yorkshire

english bred pure kc registered smooth saluki bred by paul sagar, he's 9 years old now with 7 good hunting seasons under his belt his dam was Rabbaa Jarbou,owned by paul sagar, she was a smooth Griz

if there is a will there is a way. The arguments which are better Coo,s or uk and x breds is irrelevant people should utalise and try to improve on what they have. The impression that Coos are slower

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some fair points there pal :thumbs:, and to be considered, :yes: as I said before I forced no one to buy any pups, nor did I advertise any for sale etc, half litter went to lad who owned dam, couple still with me and couple I sold to lads whom asked for em, I don't hear anyone complaining about em (just yet) I also said to the two lads that bought pups from me, too fetch em back if they no good in future and I would refund them and sort the pups meself :yes: cannot say fairer than that?, I bred em so that I could improve on what I have currently and sure it may end in tears who knows, I wont be punting them on so its no worry to you or anyone else..



If she was so shite why did your pal breed from her? :hmm: she done well enough day and night for me pal :thumbs:, maybe these pups should be given a chance see what comes of em? :victory:

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I seen her run with pete on the flat land of Boston. She was a trier but about 1 out of 10 and we went home more times without her killing. To improve the saluki which you and your mates are saying you trying to do you have to be honest with people but even more so with yourself. Desertbred say middle eastern saluki or coo hounds owners always breed best to best and only gift them to close and trusted friends. I think that's the way you snd your mates should go if your really serious about the saluki. But I think personal reward out weighs the strive to better the blood of the pure saluki. By the way pups look in fantastic condition. One last query you saying a saluki can do most jobs on all type ofquarry id say to that a 3 yr old child can draw but they aint no da vinci

I have one query for you have you seen many dogs here that could be classed as works of art? or about the standard of a 3 year olds drawing ?
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The uk bitch that cocker owned the father how did you rate it seeing as how you know it so well? and I am asking about dogs in general but you can tell me why did your mates breed of a bitch before she was even 2 years old?

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dodging my question how did you rate cruise line in the money, the uk bitch was bought for some one else and eventually ended up with me due to the lads personal circumstances so back to how this dog " Cruiseline in the money" you saw run how did it run ?

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