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Starting To Feel Bad

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I have never lost that twinge of regret when dispatching quarry ,when I can kill some living thing and feel nothing then I will pack in .

Agree fully.   I respect every rabbit killed and make sure non is wasted. I don't get people ( morons I think they called) who just kill for the fun of it. If you goner kill it use it otherwise get

If you can make them out through your tears you mean?

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I can't understand people on this site, the lad asked a perfectly normal question and for this he had a page of sh*t reply's.


Why not educate lurcherman instead.


I find that a person who thinks about his quarry is more likely to despatch the animal as quickly and humanely as possible as time goes on.


Like someone has already stated, at least you have respect for the quarry you are hunting. If you think like some lads "give as much thought of the game they kill as the everyday person does purchasing packaged meat from Tesco.


You will get used to it and the more you learn the easier for you it will become.


Think of it this way "Do you eat meat?" If so what would you do if shops and supermarkets did not exist. You would have to catch and kill your own.


If you watch many tribesman they pay respect to any animal they kill.


It is good to question what you are feeling as this makes it crucial that you do things for the right reasons.


Hope this helps



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I'll never forget when, out coursing one day, an 'experienced' lurcher man's dog caught a hare: didn't kill it. He'd been in the game for many years, but grabbed hold of the hare and was waving it around his head in triumph with the hare screaming its head off. A young friend I'd taken out for the day was shocked and very angry at the bloke's lack of respect: ran up to the man, took the hare off him and killed it immediately. I'd forgotten this incident until I read this thread, but it left a bad taste for quite a while afterwards at the time. If you're going to kill something, do so immediately and correctly.

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I can't understand people on this site, the lad asked a perfectly normal question and for this he had a page of sh*t reply's.


Why not educate lurcherman instead.


I find that a person who thinks about his quarry is more likely to despatch the animal as quickly and humanely as possible as time goes on.


Like someone has already stated, at least you have respect for the quarry you are hunting. If you think like some lads "give as much thought of the game they kill as the everyday person does purchasing packaged meat from Tesco.


You will get used to it and the more you learn the easier for you it will become.


Think of it this way "Do you eat meat?" If so what would you do if shops and supermarkets did not exist. You would have to catch and kill your own.


If you watch many tribesman they pay respect to any animal they kill.


It is good to question what you are feeling as this makes it crucial that you do things for the right reasons.


Hope this helps



I always find desensitising is the best route.


Poster.. Take a couple of rabbits and torture the wee feckers :yes: snap their knees and make sure they scream their bollocks off, this way like a soldier you'll become less like a fairy and more like a man :laugh: :laugh:

Edited by mushroom
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I can't understand people on this site, the lad asked a perfectly normal question and for this he had a page of sh*t reply's.


Why not educate lurcherman instead.


I find that a person who thinks about his quarry is more likely to despatch the animal as quickly and humanely as possible as time goes on.


Like someone has already stated, at least you have respect for the quarry you are hunting. If you think like some lads "give as much thought of the game they kill as the everyday person does purchasing packaged meat from Tesco.


You will get used to it and the more you learn the easier for you it will become.


Think of it this way "Do you eat meat?" If so what would you do if shops and supermarkets did not exist. You would have to catch and kill your own.


If you watch many tribesman they pay respect to any animal they kill.


It is good to question what you are feeling as this makes it crucial that you do things for the right reasons.


Hope this helps



I always find desensitising is the best route.


Poster.. Take a couple of rabbits and torture the wee feckers :yes: snap their knees and make sure they scream their bollocks off, this way like a soldier you'll become less like a fairy and more like a man :laugh: :laugh:


If it makes me less of a man to respect the quarry I hunt then so be it.


We can't all be Rambo like you.


I can imagine your one of these blokes who's got to prove he is the alpha male ha don't make me laugh. Go puff your chest up to someone else.

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I can't understand people on this site, the lad asked a perfectly normal question and for this he had a page of sh*t reply's.


Why not educate lurcherman instead.


I find that a person who thinks about his quarry is more likely to despatch the animal as quickly and humanely as possible as time goes on.


Like someone has already stated, at least you have respect for the quarry you are hunting. If you think like some lads "give as much thought of the game they kill as the everyday person does purchasing packaged meat from Tesco.


You will get used to it and the more you learn the easier for you it will become.


Think of it this way "Do you eat meat?" If so what would you do if shops and supermarkets did not exist. You would have to catch and kill your own.


If you watch many tribesman they pay respect to any animal they kill.


It is good to question what you are feeling as this makes it crucial that you do things for the right reasons.


Hope this helps



I always find desensitising is the best route.


Poster.. Take a couple of rabbits and torture the wee feckers :yes: snap their knees and make sure they scream their bollocks off, this way like a soldier you'll become less like a fairy and more like a man :laugh: :laugh:


If it makes me less of a man to respect the quarry I hunt then so be it.


We can't all be Rambo like you.


I can imagine your one of these blokes who's got to prove he is the alpha male ha don't make me laugh. Go puff your chest up to someone else.


Bawwaaaaaaa FLMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Are you sure you're a hunter :hmm: Learn a sense of humour ya bam plus I'm not rambo I'm John Matrix :air_kiss:

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I have never lost that twinge of regret when dispatching quarry ,when I can kill some living thing and feel nothing then I will pack in .


i dont feel that, but i know what you mean, having killed loads of stuff in near 30 years with lurchers. Or when the dog bring back a rabbit+hare and it squealing the place down. you think this fecker dont want to die ,? same with deer as well .But foxes never really bother me if+when they get killed, i was out years back with a mate the dogs got a fox, my mate went get the the dogs off and the fox clamped on to his wellie bit right through his toe :laugh: feck the foxes lol

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if it aint going in the freezer its more than welcome to stay alive. killing something for the sake of it makes my blood boil. I wouldn't say I get sad about it. I would say I have respect for the quarry and carry out stuff as quickly and humanely as possible..

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I have never lost that twinge of regret when dispatching quarry ,when I can kill some living thing and feel nothing then I will pack in .


It's funny how certain things make you feel. I've killed a huge number of things, of all kinds of different species, and in a massive variety of ways. . . . . .


But someone once told me that doves pair up for life. . . . .and after that I could never shoot doves. I've since found it's not actually true :laugh:


I've also let plenty of things have best after they have given some real good sport.


And J.B and I have a bit of a tradition of releasing the last doe we bolt with the ferrets, Had a funny moment sat on a mountain side one year, with the two of us, our soon to be released doe, and 3 running dogs. . . . taking in the view. The dogs seemed to get the score, and totally ignored the rabbit. . . . odd.

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