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Starting To Feel Bad

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I have never lost that twinge of regret when dispatching quarry ,when I can kill some living thing and feel nothing then I will pack in .

Agree fully.   I respect every rabbit killed and make sure non is wasted. I don't get people ( morons I think they called) who just kill for the fun of it. If you goner kill it use it otherwise get

If you can make them out through your tears you mean?

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I find its the eye contact that gets me maybe I'll try not to look at the eyes no more

If you can make them out through your tears you mean? :hmm::laugh:
I've not got to the crying stage yet.... Maybe that's what's next

Yer I think u need to sell ur lurcher and give me all ur permission that feeling is only gonna get worse get out while u can pm me with ur permission contacts

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I never feel any guilt ... it's as natural as it gets. We're all guilty of far greater crimes. . . .


However, I never get folk who enjoy killing stuff. . . . the actual killing. I think to have a little empathy and respect, goes a long way.


One day we'll all be pushing up daisys. . .with the rabbits nibbling those daisys and shitting upon us :laugh:


It's the circle of life . . . .

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I never feel any guilt ... it's as natural as it gets. We're all guilty of far greater crimes. . . .


However, I never get folk who enjoy killing stuff. . . . the actual killing. I think to have a little empathy and respect, goes a long way.


One day we'll all be pushing up daisys. . .with the rabbits nibbling those daisys and shitting upon us :laugh:


It's the circle of life . . . .

Agree fully.


I respect every rabbit killed and make sure non is wasted. I don't get people ( morons I think they called) who just kill for the fun of it. If you goner kill it use it otherwise get back to your xbox


Atb best and respect every bit of nature

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I never feel any guilt ... it's as natural as it gets. We're all guilty of far greater crimes. . . .


However, I never get folk who enjoy killing stuff. . . . the actual killing. I think to have a little empathy and respect, goes a long way.


One day we'll all be pushing up daisys. . .with the rabbits nibbling those daisys and shitting upon us :laugh:


It's the circle of life . . . .

Agree fully.


I respect every rabbit killed and make sure non is wasted. I don't get people ( morons I think they called) who just kill for the fun of it. If you goner kill it use it otherwise get back to your xbox


Atb best and respect every bit of nature



When I was a kid. . . I was told. . . you can only kill them once.

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Lurcherman887 don't worry lad, you have respect for what you hunt and it is normal. Deer stalkers have real respect for what they shoot and this is where placing grass in the deers mouth as a sign of respect for the last meal.


When you think about it, if it wasn't for hunters controlling foxes we would have really low numbers of ground nesting birds such as Snipe, Woodcock, Lapwing and even now we see leveret numbers at an all time low due to high fox numbers.


If people didnt hunt and shoot there would be less need for woodland areas, closed season and predators would be at an all time high.


So what I mean is don't think of the rabbit as an individual, of course it didnt want to die, but the thing is natural life for wild animals is a daily game of life and death and you are a part of that game.

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Only time I felt a bit bad was the time my male harris caught a young muntjac............I was just dispatching, when I heard a call behind me.....it's mother had come out of the woods withing 30f of me & was calling for its young................not the best I've felt after a kill...

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