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Price Relinquishes Belts

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sorry old boy if I annoy you by mentioning Tysons name on a boxing thread I do appologise I do agree with you however some do have easier routes price having matt skelton , audley Harrison , and erm.

what the fook is the point in price going back to the drawing board again,hes been found wanting twice now. would he not be better taking decent fights than each time he gets knocked out,he goes backw

Just read that David price has given up his British and commonwealth belts rather than defend them against chisora it doesn't seem that long ago he was calling fury funny how a fighter can change his


should he not have carried on and fought decent boxers,all to easy to drop down the table and beat up a few easy pickings take the cash offered and lurk around for a while.audley harrison springs to mind he made millions out of being not good enough



If he self manages and basically cons a gullible public like Harrison did then no......but he doesnt self manage and doesnt strike me as the sort of lad purely out to make a pound note.....or why go backwards ?


Adam Booth is a smart guy,he will of had long talks with Price,his family and people around him and made a conscious decision on direction to take...........should any/every fighter not carry on and fight decent boxers ?.......of course they should but they dont its not how the sport works sometimes you have to take 2 steps back to go 1 forward............did he give himself every chance first time round ? he clearly doesnt feel he did whats the problem with going back to do more learning ?........or should he stick around so we can watch him get chinned again,after all our entertainment is far more important than his career eh !


hes not got a career if he cant beat someone that was once half decent has he

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As much as i would like to see him do well even adam booth cant turn a glass chin to stone or give someone a heart.


Are we to assume Adam Booth doesnt know a good fighter when he sees one then ?......Were we to assume Freddie Roach didnt know a good fighter when he saw one ?


Both supposedly " glass chinned fighters " being taken on by trainers of the very highest level........just maybe top level trainers see things us mere boxing fans dont ;)

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As much as i would like to see him do well even adam booth cant turn a glass chin to stone or give someone a heart.


Are we to assume Adam Booth doesnt know a good fighter when he sees one then ?......Were we to assume Freddie Roach didnt know a good fighter when he saw one ?


Both supposedly " glass chinned fighters " being taken on by trainers of the very highest level........just maybe top level trainers see things us mere boxing fans dont ;)


what is this obsession with adam booth? :whistling:

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