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Plastic Vs Fibre Wad

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That was good, to be honest I don't tend to worry too much about such things like wads and choke and all that but that has certainly provoked a bit of thought.


Only thing I'll say is to me that fibre wad looked to give a more evenly distributed pattern? I would have liked to have seen either the plastic shot through a more open choke to see how even the pattern was once it had opened up more or just pattern them both again at 30 yards.


Think I'll be patterning my gun/carts this weekend now....



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The fibre just opened out a LOT more, I think that is the main difference you saw. I was surprised how dramatic the difference was in the end. I would still advise keeping to fibre if your hunting though it just isn't nice to throw plastic everywhere!


Good luck with your patterning, before too long I will do a video about how to make the shoot and see targets. So if you sub you will see it :)

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A friend of mine went into scats , where a well meaning young lady became slightly over zealous in her environmental sales pitch of fibre wads, unaware that she had involved herself in his religion of killing with a gun, he then proceeded to lecture her on the effects of winging and injuring game / vermin if using a slack patterned fibre wad and how his whole purpose was about killing cleanly and humanely , poor girl.

Anyway he's goes plastic, i personally like the look of that fibre pattern but he's a better shot than me :laugh:


Yeah I think there is little doubt, plastic does gives you a much denser pattern, mind you if it's a close up pigeon and your not the best shot (like me) then the extra spread can be useful with fibre!

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very interesting but as in a post above i would have liked to have seen the patterns at 30 yards c and 40 yards see what the difference is then


Yes we chose 20 yards to try and ensure that it showed the spread without shot going off the target, so we tested with some cardboard first. At further distances we would definitely need a bigger target!

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