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it's like living in some kind of stasi state. This country has completely lost the plot of what is important.   And I expect the anti's and the police are delighted with their efforts in pissing us

Innocent until proven Guilty is the bedrock of English law and the democracy we live in,in the real world its a crock of excretement,its easier to sift through shite looking for a shiny penny than it

I was the only Muslim there! imagine how I felt , and I didnt even have my burqa on

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Where they got pulled is full of cops I pas through it to my perm and get stopped near enough everytime I come back I was warned not to go this way anymore by a young cop rate clever twat I saw a forester past me last week full of dogs round there dark in colour don't normally see them there

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We were pulled for coursing 3 weeks ago in Grantham, in the centre of the town we were eating some food outside a takeaway no proof we had been near any land we were pulled because of the clothes we had on wellies etc . we were all checked out and given warnings , few lads on here can verify it. Now they will pull you in known areas we were told if we were seen again our dogs and vehicles would be taken, first time I have been pulled for eating. LOL

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the coppers just use the word "suspicion" to start ball rolling e.g. pulling people and checking them out, its bit a bit like if they see a subaru forester full of lads and dogs, they are going to be suspicious, same as the clothes most of wear make us stand out, its a bit like riding around in a transit van with a ski mask on, and crowbar and police scanner on the seat, a clever thief wouldn't do that, i don't like the police, but i would be daft to underestimate them,


you need to blend in :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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half of the lads who were there had trainers on (they were Cockneys LOL) the vehicles with the dogs were no where near us the three police who took mine and aRctic,s details didnt even know why they ha been told to question us LOL would the same thing happen with a load of farmers or construction workers? or even members of the local shoot. Europe is supposed to be open borders but you are not allowed to cross a county line into Lincolnshire or Cambridge

Edited by desertbred
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Thats what I mean Desertbred....they aren't allowed to dscriminate by profiling for say, knife crime in London, even though its rife amoung certain ethnic groups but its ok to discriminate against the majority based on outward appearance.

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  On 04/12/2013 at 08:00, desertbred said:


  On 04/12/2013 at 07:55, pip1968 said:


  On 04/12/2013 at 07:48, desertbred said:

I was the only Muslim there! imagine how I felt , and I didnt even have my burqa on :angel:

it must have been your rucksack then :laugh:


cant have been I had left that in the takeaway :thumbs:


so did the police ask you your religion then as when iv been pulled its just the usual name and adress

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  On 04/12/2013 at 07:43, desertbred said:

half of the lads who were there had trainers on (they were Cockneys LOL) the vehicles with the dogs were no where near us the three police who took mine and aRctic,s details didnt even know why they ha been told to question us LOL would the same thing happen with a load of farmers or construction workers? or even members of the local shoot. Europe is supposed to be open borders but you are not allowed to cross a county line into Lincolnshire or Cambridge

thats it they take the piss like i said its crazy how they can just pull you with no evidence but there at it hard now the police really cracking the whip on running dogs

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  On 04/12/2013 at 07:59, BOLIO1 said:

Thats what I mean Desertbred....they aren't allowed to dscriminate by profiling for say, knife crime in London, even though its rife amoung certain ethnic groups but its ok to discriminate against the majority based on outward appearance.

But there could well be innocent lads hanging around in London wearing tracksuits, trainers etc so how can they descriminate?


You aren't gonna find innocent members of the public driving around Lincoln in a 4x4, camouflaged up with wellies to boot, 4 Running dogs in the back.


How can they NOT discriminate?

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Last time I got pulled....doing nothing illegal mind....it was purely because the clothes I chose to wear while out with the dogs included the typical cammo cargo pants and a green jacket. If not, why were none of the other dog walkers we passed accosted? The cop actually told us that the chopper had been watching us specifically. She said we fitted the description. My point is that if its wrong to discriminate on the basis of religion or ethnicity....why is it right to discriminate on the basis of clothing? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?

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I saw an interview with a copper on this on Country File. He said that if they see vans/dogs they will do all they can to disrupt your day. That includes repeated stops, searches, confiscations. Guilty until proven innocent. Its f****d up

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