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Is Lamping Badgers That Hard????

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Lamping the buggers is easy, it's when the great unwashed turned up that it became hard work. They should of allowed good catch dogs to bail them up and dispatch with a captive bolt.


Magine the faces of the scruffy fuuckers with a full on Bullx, wheatonx or poodlex charging head long at them to grip the pig they are trying to protect :D I would accept all the bad press in the world to see that :laugh: :laugh:

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I would suggest that the amount of protestors trying to cause disruption has had a large part to pay, I would imagine the pressure put on those guys carrying out the cull having to not only find the b

Soon change your tune when Brian May opens a can of wup ass on you

So if they were having problems shooting badgers which would take all off 3 secs you think it would be easier to put a dog to ground and then dig down to it? Really??

Interesting to see so many opinions expressed by so many who obviously have no idea what was involved or how difficult it was....


Enough said.



Yes Cookie it was.....


It's easy to sit here on the internet and speculate about how easy it should have been. Sadly, real life is sometimes more complicated.


FFS Matt...you've been culling badgers mate....hardly the Normandy landings or a hard shift in the trenches is it.... :laugh:

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I can tell you the antis did make a huge impact on shooting! dressing up as police? setting dogs on shooters? stabbing tyres on the 4x4s? blocking shooters in at there homes? trying to open trucks to grab fire arms? spitting at shooters? running around fields with lights letting fireworks off? it was nearly imposible, so please lads dont knock the lads who took the time to help the cull because they did more than enough considering what they were up against.


as far as the trapping is concerned traps were cut in half smashed and stolen. I hope this ansures some of the coments from above. The cull was a success nobody was killed or shot so it will open the door to future culls im sure.

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