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this is not a request for sympathy or any pisstaking, but since Friday night have spent as much time as possible with Ann`s niece going through the last stages of that b*****d cancer and can only think,,, if we put a dog through all this we would end up in court with the RSPCA trying to hang us, if I ever get it I`m moving to Switzerland or finding a tree with a bit of rope

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Terrible For You's Mate , I Think Most Have Been In Similar Positions , Cruel Part Off Life , ! Hope The Girls Pain Is Eased , I Know Where Your Coming From Concerning What Some Have Too go Through What A Dog Wouldn't ! Try N Stay Strong Mate Thats Easier Said Than Done .

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sorry to hear that,and i do think one day soonish this country will allow (under a dr) to end your suffering. Its prob the last of the taboo religious things we still hang on to. makes no sense were not a religious nation like we once were.The law does not even prosecute for attempted suicide anymore.,if they ever did.

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sorry to hear that,and i do think one day soonish this country will allow (under a dr) to end your suffering. Its prob the last of the taboo religious things we still hang on to. makes no sense were not a religious nation like we once were.The law does not even prosecute for attempted suicide anymore.,if they ever did.

to watch someone eventually slip into a coma and then spend a fortnight or so waiting for the body to shut down is heartbreaking and unnecessary

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A couple of years ago my dad felt something in his throat, he seen the doctor strait away I went up to see him when I heard, went in and bubbled my eyes out its mental some one close to you having that ,luckily he had kemo and stuff and he got the all clear still goes for checks every so often , horrible horrible thing that .

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