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They are light, pointable, a joy to shoot and usually incredibly accurate. There are loads of these about still, which shows they are a decent tool, and helped develop the CZ brand in the UK.   Fit

Hi Shropshire Dan   You mentioned Winchester Subs.   Don't make the mistake of buying loads of them. Just because they work well in one gun it does not mean they will work well in yours. They pr

So you agree with me then.


Short barrelled rifles are easily as accurate as those with long barrels.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Shame you simply didn't read my #19, could have saved yourself a lot of effort and embarrassment! :laugh::thumbs:


Nave a nice day! :bye:



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Remember though guys. Barrels are made long for accuracy. Cutting them down is great for shooting from a tight spot, but if you dont need to, i wouldn't cut an inch off. You find tighter groups, better zero'ing and better long shots. If the barrel wasnt designed to be long, it wouldn't be...


No argument in principle with that, but for the difference it makes at .22lr hunting distances the debate isn't worth the ink! :thumbs:



I have had enough, it is getting boring.


You do not disagree in principle with Bunny Boiler who, as I read it, was providing erroneous reasons based on false assumptions against short barrels, it was that simple.


The facts, not hearsay and gossip, show that a short barrel is generally as accurate as a long barrel (sometimes more accurate).


I shall leave others to form their own conclusions and as I mentioned, the recent article (link below) does make interesting reading.




Oh well. Another day beckons....

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Which part of a centrefire being different to a rimfire do you not understand?

..............FACT - short barrelled rifles are easily as accurate as those with long barrels.................. Rubbish, you are way over generalising, long distance hunters/target use loooooooong barrels with slow burn powders to achieve minimum propellant kick, to maximise long range stability, these are the most accurate rifles you can get!


We are talking RIMFIRE.

Not apples, pears, air rifle, slingshot, arrows, ......Rimfire, specifically .22lr, it was you who first introduced rimfire. Try grasping a .22lr barrel after 10 rapid fire subs and then try the same with a centrefire, perhaps then you may have some idea they are very different animals.

Believe what you like, there comes a time when banging my head against a brick wall becomes boring and painful!

Edited by Deker
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