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Just looking for some advice.i have a young whippet who will be 11months old in two weeks and so far he's been out ferreting with me a fair few times and is starting to get the jist of things although I have not yet let him have a proper run at a bolting rabbit.he will hold them in the nets etc and has started to mark one or two sets.does anybody think now is the right time to let him have a few go's at a bolter?he was quite an immature dog but in the last 6/7 weeks he's come on a good bit although he does have a mind of his own sometimes or rather selective hearing haha.ive read alot about running them too soon and it not doing them any good at all?

I'd like to post some pics but haven't worked out how to do it from my phone yet ha

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maybe catch one in the net and drop one in the open for him once or twice see how he goes from there. but if your dog has selective hearing now It will be 10 times as bad when there is quarry for him to catch. maybe go back to basics for a few weeks get recall spot on then try a dropped rabbit or a nice burry in the open. just be carefull about giving him to much to soon...

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Cheers boys! Had him out his usual walk earlier he lifted a rabbit in the long grass and nailed it in a flash,(which I was over the moon about)he didn't quiet bring it to hand and I had to walk a couple meters to get it off him,and even the he was reluctant to give me it.closer look it clearly had a bit of myxy which is obv why he got it so easily,I was still as chuffed as him tho.although a bit gutted about the myxy as there's been none about here for a good few year.

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